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Maybe a Few Years From Now I’ll Want to Get Pregnant

So often throughout life something happens that wasn’t anywhere near part of our original plan. We make goals, have dreams, and gather ideas about what our life should look like, and we try to live according to those ideals. So, what happens when something unexpected pops into our life and throws everything off balance? Depending on what it is, we can sometimes quickly adjust and move on. But what if it’s something that feels huge, like an unexpected pregnancy? Maybe pregnancy was part of your plan, but it’s part of your future plan. So now you feel like you’re falling off the face of the earth.

Are you facing unexpected pregnancy at the wrong time of your life? Adjusting our plans is difficult, especially when we don’t feel prepared or in the right mindset. Our expert pregnancy consultants at Avenue Women’s Center would love to help you figure out how you can best move forward with your news. We can provide available resources to you at this time of your life as well as confirm your pregnancy with a free medical-grade pregnancy test.

Call, chat, email, or text today to make your appointment with us!

What To Do When Pregnancy Isn’t Part Of The Plan

Maybe you find yourself pregnant at a time when pregnancy isn’t part of the plan. Perhaps it’s something you’ve dreamt about for the future, but the future isn’t now. When pregnancy isn’t something you’ve planned or expected, it can be difficult to figure out what you’re really feeling and how to move forward.

Taking Next Steps

It’s often important to confirm your pregnancy through a medical-grade pregnancy test and an ultrasound exam. Having these done at a clinic will help you determine your next steps.

You may also find it helpful to slow down and take this news in, maybe by asking yourself some questions and giving yourself space to answer honestly. You might think about things such as:

  • Even though I’m not ready for this pregnancy right now, is there a way I can get to that point? What support systems or resources are available to me?
  • If pregnancy is part of my plans for the future, can the future be now? Is this something I want in my life?
  • How might my life be different if I choose abortion, adoption, or parenting for this pregnancy? How might I feel about these options a year from now or even five years from now?
  • If pregnancy is something I want later in life, will I regret not going through with this pregnancy now?

Only you can answer questions such as these and figure out what it is you truly want or believe to be best for your body and life.

Sometimes it’s helpful to process these ideas, dreams, and questions with somebody else. This could be somebody close to you who you trust or an unbiased professional such as a healthcare provider, faith leader, therapist, or pregnancy consultant.

Whatever you decide, it’s important for you to feel empowered in your choice, and to know that you are not alone.

You can find the answers and support you need at Avenue Women’s Center. Receive the services you need early in pregnancy, all at no cost. Our expert pregnancy consultants will walk you through each of your options in a confidential environment. Our hope is to help you feel encouraged and confident in your decision as well as provide any resources we can to help you on this journey.

Schedule a session with a pregnancy consultant today!


The information provided here is general in nature.  It is not a substitute for a consultation with a medical professional. Before any medical procedure, it is imperative that you discuss your personal medical history, risks, and concerns with your doctor. If you have questions during or after a procedure, your doctor should be immediately contacted. Avenue Women’s Center is not an emergency center.  If you are experiencing severe symptoms, such as bleeding and/or pain, seek immediate medical attention.  Contact your physician, go to an emergency room, or call 911.