An unexpected pregnancy decision can be difficult to face. And if you’re missing support from the one person or people you want around the most, it can feel impossible. Lack of support is among the varying personal reasons many women consider abortion. It can feel like you’re alone in your situation without any help. How can you move forward in a decision about abortion if you’re missing support?
If you’re feeling alone in your pregnancy decision, find compassionate and nonjudgmental support at Avenue Women’s Center. We’ve helped women face unexpected pregnancy situations for nearly 40 years with our free decision-making services. Come in to any of our six Chicagoland locations for a private pregnancy consultation to learn accurate and reliable information about each of your options, including abortion. Call, text, chat, or email for your free appointment with a caring professional today!
Missing Support in a Decision About Abortion
There could be several reasons you’re missing support in a decision about abortion. Things with your partner may have recently ended, or he is “ghosting” you and not answering any communications. Maybe your parents or loved ones had differing opinions about abortion when you shared the news. You could want to tell your best friend, but fear their judgment of your abortion consideration.
The heartbreak and disappointment of missing support can be emotionally overwhelming enough, let alone when facing an important decision. With or without a backing from those you who matter most to you, you still have to decide what to do. Whatever pregnancy option you go with, it will affect you and your life most directly. Even knowing this, you may still feel like you need help deciding about abortion. What are some ways you can find your footing?
Finding Support in a Decision About Abortion
When we feel a significant sense of longing in a challenging time, it can sometimes lead us to seek support in a rushed, pressured, and stressed out way. It might feel like everything is falling apart without support to hold you up, but you can still move forward and decide if an abortion is your best option.
Find the support you’re missing. An important reassurance is first finding support from within. We are often capable of more than we give ourselves credit for, including handling big decisions. What kind of encouragement, help, or comfort would you give a friend or loved one in a situation similar to yours? Extend that same support to yourself as you decide. Give yourself understanding of any tough emotions you may be experiencing, or hardships factoring into your decision. Ask yourself questions that could be beneficial in your decision-making:
What are your feelings and thoughts about potentially having an abortion? Do you have mixed or changing emotions? What are some reasons why it seems best, or why you might be uncertain? If your circumstances changed or improved, would that change your thoughts about abortion?
You might not have all the answers to your personal questions and concerns. Where can you turn for nonjudgmental support as you take your next steps? Is there a pregnancy decision center in your area that can provide you with accurate and reliable information?
Fight the urge to rush your decision. It may seem like time is running out on your options, and all you want is the answer to your next steps. While abortion options are influenced by how far along a pregnancy is, you do have some time to work through this decision. Educate yourself about the different types of abortion procedures, the potential risks involved, the costs, local abortion laws, and possible side effects. Talk with your doctor, medical professional, counselor/therapist, spiritual leader, or expert pregnancy consultant to learn more about how an abortion might affect you personally in regards to your physical and emotional health.
Additionally, look into parenting and adoption to have a better understanding of how each option might compare to your feelings about abortion. This might mean journaling about the information you learn, creating a pros and cons list for each pregnancy option, or thinking deeper on the different possible outcomes and effects. What are your biggest concerns with parenting, adoption, or abortion? What could you find out that would be supportive as you decide between your options? Start moving forward in your decision by finding answers to your unique questions.
At Avenue Women’s Center, we understand that each pregnancy situation is different. We come alongside each woman in her decision with nonjudgmental support. We provide free pregnancy consultations to learn accurate information about each of your options, including abortion. Address your unique questions and concerns in a confidential and caring environment. Find the support you’re missing at Avenue Women’s Center and contact us for your free appointment today!
The information provided here is general in nature. It is not a substitute for a consultation with a medical professional. Before any medical procedure, it is imperative that you discuss your personal medical history, risks, and concerns with your doctor. If you have questions during or after a procedure, your doctor should be immediately contacted. Avenue Women’s Center is not an emergency center. If you are experiencing severe symptoms, such as bleeding and/or pain, seek immediate medical attention. Contact your physician, go to an emergency room, or call 911.