It can feel like an inner battle is raging when your feelings lead you one way, but your thoughts another. Do you follow your heart or your mind? Is there some answer that meets both sides in the middle? What if this is how you feel as you consider having an abortion? How can you move forward when your heart and mind don’t agree about abortion?
Take the next steps in your decision at Avenue Women’s Center. We’ve helped women in Chicagoland move forward in their pregnancy decisions for nearly 40 years. Our caring pregnancy experts are trained to understand your unique situation, and meet your personalized needs with accurate information about your options. Learn more about abortion, adoption, and parenting to make an informed decision your mind and heart can agree on. Contact us today for your free and confidential options consultation!
My Mind Says One Thing, My Heart Says Another
Your thoughts might be leaning towards abortion, but your feelings aren’t so sure about it. The relationship with your partner could be unstable, recently ended, or just beginning. Maybe you don’t have a support system if you choose to parent. You may be experiencing financial hardship, health issues, or mental health challenges. It could be a transitional period in life at a younger age, or a job/career change.
Any number of circumstances and personal reasons could be circulating in your thoughts. Yet, even when an abortion seems best in your mind, it might not feel like it in your heart. You might have mixed emotions about having an abortion, with reasons both for and against it. The reverse may also be true: You could feel like an abortion is best, but your thoughts keep turning away from it and towards your other options or parenting and adoption. An abortion may feel right in your heart even while your mind interrupts with “what ifs,” questions, and concerns. What do you do when you can’t get your mind and your heart to agree about abortion?
Making Up Your Mind and Heart About Abortion
One way or another you’ll have to face the indecision between your heart and mind and choose a pregnancy option. In such an important decision, it’s crucial to be certain, reassured, and confident about the option that’s best for you. It can feel like an impossibility when your mind and heart don’t agree. Make up your mind and heart about abortion by first finding your way through the indecision:
Finding balance between the heart and mind: Consider any lingering concerns you may have about abortion. What are the logical reasons that come to mind as you think of moving forward with an abortion decision? Within these reasons, if situations or circumstances were to change, would that also change your mind? Compare your thoughts with a list of feelings you have regarding abortion. Are there any stresses and anxieties you feel about the procedure itself or the risks involved? What emotions might you experience afterwards? What is the overall outcome as you weigh out your heart with your mind?
Finding out more about abortion: Our feelings can sometimes cloud our thoughts. The heart has a way fogging up our minds until we’re not entirely sure what’s true and what might be emotionally-based. What are some of your biggest questions when it comes to abortion? Lay them all out and start researching factual answers. Learn more about the different abortion procedures, the potential physical and emotional side effects, the local abortion laws and policies in your state, etc. Information can be the key making up your mind and heart about abortion.
Finding a space to talk about abortion openly: Who is a trusted person that you could confide in? A close family member, a friend, or your partner might come to mind. Choose a person who won’t judge your pregnancy situation, or your thoughts and feelings about abortion. Speaking confidentially with a medical professional, counselor, therapist, or your doctor may also be beneficial as you decide. Is there an unbiaseCall, text, chat, or email unly about abortion? It’s important ind support in your pregnancy decision, regardless of the option you’re considering most.
Talk through your thoughts and feelings about abortion with a nonjudgmental and compassionate pregnancy expert at Avenue Women’s Center. We provide a safe, confidential, and welcoming environment for women to address their unique concerns and questions in a free options consultation. Learn accurate and reliable information about each of your options, including abortion. Avenue is here to support your next steps as you make up your mind and your heart in a pregnancy decision. Call, text, chat, or email us today for your free appointment!
The information provided here is general in nature. It is not a substitute for a consultation with a medical professional. Before any medical procedure, it is imperative that you discuss your personal medical history, risks, and concerns with your doctor. If you have questions during or after a procedure, your doctor should be immediately contacted. Avenue Women’s Center is not an emergency center. If you are experiencing severe symptoms, such as bleeding and/or pain, seek immediate medical attention. Contact your physician, go to an emergency room, or call 911.