Having a conversation with parents about an unexpected pregnancy feels intimidating for almost everyone, but some women have reason to anticipate an especially difficult response from family. Maybe you’re scared to confide in your own parents because of their faith background(s). Regardless of which religion(s) they practice, you probably suspect that their beliefs would clash with your present circumstances… whether they’d disapprove of your choice to have sex, or disagree with your leanings regarding your pregnancy options (abortion, adoption, and parenting). These are really normal concerns for a woman- especially a young woman- to have. If you find yourself in a similar situation, take heart. You’re capable of building a healthy support network and finding your best way forward, no matter how your family might react.
You may or may not have complicated feelings about your parents’ religious beliefs and your own. More likely than not, you’re scared of being judged by other people… especially those you’re closest to. All of these dynamics can be difficult to navigate. Fortunately, you don’t have to navigate them on your own. Our caring pregnancy consultants and nurses at Avenue Women’s Center are available to be a part of your personal support system. We offer free first-step pregnancy services, so you can feel equipped with the reliable information and backing you need to pursue a positive outcome.
Learn more about our free and confidential services at Avenue! They include, but are not limited to, medical-grade pregnancy tests, pregnancy consultations, and limited medical scans.
Spiritual Beliefs and Family Dynamics
If you’re afraid to tell your parents about your pregnancy because they’re really religious, there’s a pretty good chance that your own spiritual beliefs differ from theirs. Maybe you practice another faith or don’t consider yourself to be a religious person. Perhaps you have spiritual views that align with your parents’ beliefs to some degree, but you don’t accept as true everything that they probably would. It’s become very common for people to identify themselves as spiritual without practicing a religion in the more traditional sense that older family members might.
No matter how you relate to your parents’ spirituality or how they relate to yours, it can be challenging for a family to approach an unexpected pregnancy with different faith perspectives. You’re probably asking yourself if it’s worth trying to breach this topic with your parents in the first place. There’s no one right answer to this question. You have what it takes to determine your own best way of managing the road ahead. Know that there are guidelines you can follow to confide in the most supportive people possible, and get the genuine care that you need.
Finding the Best Person(s) to Support You on Your Pregnancy Journey
The choice of whether or not to tell your parents about your unexpected pregnancy is totally up to you, just like your pregnancy decision. Remember, though, that it’s always beneficial to process your circumstances with someone you trust. Consider these qualities of a person who’s worth confiding in. Members of your family may or may not fit this description. But if you don’t already have somebody like this in your life, it’s always possible to find them.
An unconditional ally.
The person you open up to about your pregnancy doesn’t have to agree with your past choices and present leanings. They don’t have to practice the same religion or hold similar spiritual beliefs. (In fact, sometimes hearing another perspective can be helpful). It is important for this individual to have your back no matter what you decide. People always have the option of supporting you and showing unconditional compassion, even if they don’t support all your decisions and views.
An advocate for your autonomy.
It’s important to confide in someone who will voice their perspective in a caring and authentic way- not someone who’ll just say what they think you want to hear. At the same time, this person needs to respect your autonomy. Choices regarding this pregnancy are yours to make. A strong supporter will have a positive influence without ever trying to manipulate you.
A champion for your strengths.
You have unique qualities that can empower you to make your own best pregnancy decision. A good confidante will see these characteristics in you. They’ll build you up by helping you stay mindful of your strengths and lean into them even more.
Your feelings about approaching your parents with news of your unexpected pregnancy are understandable. But it’s vital not to let your fears about this (or anything else) drive your pregnancy decision-making process. Avenue Women’s Center is here to provide the facts and support you need to make a well-informed pregnancy choice with confidence. We strive to embody all the characteristics of a strong supporter that we’ve mentioned in this blog. We’re a safe and totally judgment-free space to get genuine care.
Learn more about Avenue and reach out to schedule!
The information provided here is general in nature. It is not a substitute for a consultation with a medical professional. Before any medical procedure, it is imperative that you discuss your personal medical history, risks, and concerns with your doctor. If you have questions during or after a procedure, your doctor should be immediately contacted. Avenue Women’s Center is not an emergency center. If you are experiencing severe symptoms, such as bleeding and/or pain, seek immediate medical attention. Contact your physician, go to an emergency room, or call 911.