Pregnancy has a natural way of linking two people together. Under some circumstances, this can be a cause for celebration. But what if you don’t feel that your partner is a good person? Maybe you never meant to become pregnant by him because you have doubts about his ability (or willingness) to be the long-term partner you’re looking for. Whether you’re sure that you want to end this pregnancy or feel hopelessly confused about your next steps, know that there’s someone out there who cares.
Avenue Women’s Center is here to help, no matter where your path leads. It’s our mission to empower you with reliable information, helpful resources, and caring support. That’s why Avenue’s first-step pregnancy services are free to women in Chicagoland, Illinois and beyond.
Learn more about the services offered at our six limited medical clinics. We provide pregnancy consultations by phone or video as well!
Stepping into an Unknown Future is Hard, But Necessary
Are you feeling reluctant to continue this pregnancy because of your partner? There could be several reasons for this. Maybe you’re afraid you’d be tied to him long-term if you chose to parent. Perhaps you’re confident he’d neglect his responsibilities or leave altogether. You might be wondering if his personality traits could be passed on to the next generation. It can be hard to move forward with a pregnancy decision when the future looks so unclear! Accepting that many of these factors are beyond your control is probably going to be a difficult (but freeing) part of your pregnancy journey.
Time Just Might Be on Your Side
Have you ever made a snap decision based on fear? Most likely, you have. And it probably felt pretty natural. In some situations, and to a certain extent, our fear helps us survive. But making a fear-based decision isn’t always necessary or wise. This is especially true when the choice is an important one and there’s still time for careful consideration. Perhaps you have more time than you realize to let your emotions settle after learning of this unexpected pregnancy. It’s important to make significant life choices from a calm, unhurried mental space. You’ll probably feel glad that you did on the other side of a pregnancy decision. An ultrasound can clarify how much time you have and whether your pregnancy is even likely to continue. Use your time well by learning about all the resources available to you.
Make Your Best Pregnancy Decision from a Place of Strength, Not Fear
No one can control her partner’s present or future actions. Sometimes, it’s impossible to even predict how people will behave or how things will turn out. Accept this and turn your focus toward your strengths. How have you overcome obstacles in the past? How can you equip yourself today, to make your best pregnancy decision in the near future? First-step pregnancy services are empowering because they provide women with valuable information and insight. Take your next steps from a place of strength (not fear) by building yourself up with reliable information about your pregnancy and your options.
If you’re pregnant by your partner, and you don’t believe he’s a good guy, you’re in a really tough position. Chances are, you’re wrestling with a lot of different feelings about the situation. Our pregnancy consultants at Avenue Women’s Center are here for you! We offer a safe, comfortable, confidential environment in which to process your next steps. Have questions about the abortion process? It’s our job to provide you with accurate, up-to-date information.
Schedule an appointment at Darien, Elmhurst, Glen Ellyn / Lombard, Naperville, West Chicago, or Wood Dale, Illinois today!
*Do you believe you may be in an abusive or unsafe relationship? If you’re in any physical danger, it’s important to call 911 immediately! Seek help right away if there’s ever any concern for your safety, or the safety of others.
The information provided here is general in nature. It is not a substitute for a consultation with a medical professional. Before any medical procedure, it is imperative that you discuss your personal medical history, risks, and concerns with your doctor. If you have questions during or after a procedure, your doctor should be immediately contacted. Avenue Women’s Center is not an emergency center. If you are experiencing severe symptoms, such as bleeding and/or pain, seek immediate medical attention. Contact your physician, go to an emergency room, or call 911.