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“My Summer Social Calendar is Helping and Hurting my Pregnancy Experience”

Summertime is finally here!  What are your plans for the next few months?  If you’re a student, you may be shifting your work and living arrangements, perhaps spending more time with family and friends.  If you’re a parent, you may simply be trying to keep up with your kids’ summer activities.  This season tends to trigger change for most of us, regardless of what stage of life we’re in.  Maybe you’re experiencing the overwhelming stress of an unexpected pregnancy as you’re adjusting to a new routine.  Your pregnancy journey will likely involve some unique challenges, but it’s bound to include some bright spots too.  Know that it’s possible to cope effectively and reach a pregnancy outcome you feel at peace with, while still making the most of your summer.

No matter what specific pregnancy circumstances you’re facing or what season of life you’re facing them in, Avenue Women’s Center is here to help you thrive.  We’re an early pregnancy clinic that offers free and confidential services at five locations in Chicagoland.  For over forty years, our compassionate team has been equipping individuals to take informed first steps in their unique pregnancy journeys.  We’re in your corner too!

Discover our no-cost pregnancy services!  They include medical-grade pregnancy tests, options consultations, limited medical ultrasounds, and more.

Weighing the Potential Pros and Challenges

In some ways, a changing social calendar could make it more difficult to navigate your unexpected pregnancy.  In other ways, these changes could help you cope better.  Let’s explore a few possible benefits and challenges of facing an unexpected pregnancy while managing an ever-shifting schedule.

Potential Pros

  • If you plan to spend extra time with friends and loved ones this summer, you may naturally feel less isolated and have better access to caring support.
  • Summer may bring some “time off” for you. This could mean more freedom to process your circumstances, get helpful information, seek support, and contemplate your next steps at your own pace.
  • Warm weather, sunshine, and fresh air are huge mood boosters. Simple as it may seem, getting out and about could drastically improve your ability to manage stress.

Potential Challenges

  • Depending on your season of life, summer may be a busier time for you than the rest of the year. Your social calendar could be causing you to feel pressed for time.
  • Being around family and friends comes with benefits, but too much of this can feel overwhelming. If your loved ones don’t know about your pregnancy, interacting with them may feel awkward, or perhaps even isolating.

Discovering Balance

You’ll need to develop a sense of balance in your mind and your schedule to manage responsibilities effectively and cope well with stress, no matter what obstacles you’re facing or when you’re facing them.  The Psychology Today article, “The Best Way to Find Balance in Your Life,” defines balance in several different ways.  It’s described as “a constant journey,” “a state of mind,” a “bringing (of) things into harmony,” and, “the realization that life is not stable but in constant motion.”  Let’s take a few principles from Psychology Today and apply them to your unexpected pregnancy situation.

  • It’s important to relinquish your sense of control and accept that unexpected things will happen. Unexpected challenges are impossible to avoid in life.  Learn to adapt your mindset and your overall approach to these challenges, when it comes to smaller things like changes in your schedule, and significant things like discovering an unexpected pregnancy.  Doing so will help you feel balanced and secure, even in the middle of stressful circumstances.  This may be easier said than done.  However, you’re fully capable of developing this kind of resiliency little by little.
  • It’s important to let yourself feel. According to Psychology Today, “Research shows that suppressing our emotions both harms our memory and increases stress.” Don’t push away your emotions surrounding this unexpected pregnancy, no matter how confusing or uncomfortable they may be.  Give yourself time and space to process them.
  • “Balance is less about how we allocate our time and more about enjoying what we are doing in the here and now.” Set priorities for yourself, but live in the present moment.
  • Resist the urge to view different aspects of your life (like your summer social calendar and your pregnancy journey) as totally separate components. Allow your relationships with supportive people to positively influence your pregnancy decision-making process, and vice-versa.

At Avenue Women’s Center, our caring staff is here to help you find a sense of balance in your pregnancy journey by equipping you with the diverse tools you need to make a well-grounded decision.  We’re available to provide accurate information on all your available options (abortion, adoption, and parenting) while offering unconditional support- never judgment or pressure. 

Contact us today to speak with an expert team member and schedule a no-cost appointment!



Psychology Today.  (2018, September).  The Best Way to Find Balance in Your Life.  Retrieved from:

The information provided here is general in nature.  It is not a substitute for a consultation with a medical professional. Before any medical procedure, it is imperative that you discuss your personal medical history, risks, and concerns with your doctor. If you have questions during or after a procedure, your doctor should be immediately contacted. Avenue Women’s Center is not an emergency center.  If you are experiencing severe symptoms, such as bleeding and/or pain, seek immediate medical attention.  Contact your physician, go to an emergency room, or call 911.