Having lived in and around Naperville for over six years, I’ve noticed that there is a culture of expectation here. Parents have high expectations for their kids, teens have high expectations for themselves, and even teachers seem to set their classroom expectations on a level above many others. And it’s not just teens who are experiencing these high expectations. Young adults… working women… married moms… Women of all ages seem to experience aspects of that culture, and the high levels of pressure that come along with it.
If you’re considering abortion in Naperville, and would like to talk with someone, please call or text us today.
A Naperville Magazine article by Jessica Royer Ocken* recently caught my eye. In it, she wrote: “Plenty of high achievers do so under a shroud of stress and pressure to perform that has risen to an unprecedented level.”
In Avenue Women’s Center’s Naperville office, we uniquely understand that stress and pressure don’t help as you’re trying to make your best pregnancy decision. What do women need? Time. Facts. Space. Support.
There are important questions for women to work through – at their own pace, and for their own benefit. Especially when navigating a culture of expectation, you may want to consider…. Who is weighing in on your decision? Who haven’t you told because you fear their opinion? How much are your emotions tied to the opinions of others? To what degree do you tend to do what others expect, rather than what you choose to do? As you consider your options, which option would cause you to feel more proud; which would lead to more regret? How will having an abortion impact your current relationships?
It’s possible you may want to meet privately to work through some of the questions I just listed. Most likely you have other questions that are uniquely your own. At Avenue Women’s Center, your pregnancy consultant can lead you in a productive examination of all of your options. Our goal is to reduce stress and to help as you make a well informed decision.
Avenue Women’s Center has a beautifully appointed office in Naperville, near the intersections of Route 59 and 83rd/Montgomery Avenue. The location is typically open 9am-5pm, Monday-Friday. We offer several free – confidential – services. The services are tailored to meet your needs – with the information they provide, and also with nonjudgmental support from every staff member you encounter.
- Medical grade pregnancy tests. Highly accurate, our tests provide same-day results to confirm whether or not you are pregnant.
- Limited ultrasounds. This tool assesses whether your pregnancy appears to be viable. With 15-20% of pregnancies miscarrying, we can examine whether your pregnancy seems on track to end naturally (rather than needing a surgical or medication abortion). Ultrasound also provides the way of measuring how many weeks pregnant you are.
- Supportive consultations. You may feel all alone. You’re not. You’ve found Avenue Women’s Center and we will help you navigate through this high-pressure time in your life.
At Avenue Women’s Center, we truly are here for you. If you’re facing the pressure of an unexpected pregnancy and are considering abortion in Naperville, we hope you will allow us to help you. Please contact us today.
The information provided here is general in nature. It is not a substitute for a consultation with a medical professional. Before any medical procedure, it is imperative that you discuss your personal medical history, risks, and concerns with your doctor. If you have questions during or after a procedure, your doctor should be immediately contacted. Avenue Women’s Center is not an emergency center. If you are experiencing severe symptoms, such as bleeding and/or pain, seek immediate medical attention. Contact your physician, go to an emergency room, or call 911.