After you first arrived in a new country, it’s likely that everything seemed different. You may have had to learn a new language, adjust to the metric system, or adapt to cultural expectations. Finding a sense of stability within your new surroundings, an unexpected pregnancy might have come as a surprise. Just like your move to a new country, pregnancy can be life-altering. If you’re already feeling alone it may be difficult to know the path forward. How do you process this sudden development when it seems as if your loved ones are in another world?
Are you considering abortion because you feel alone in the U.S.? An unexpected pregnancy brings change. As a woman considers what choice to make, it can be helpful to have a place to turn. Avenue Women’s Center is here to learn more about your unique situation, offering confidential services and assistance. Our caring staff will walk you through your options of abortion, adoption, and parenting, answering your questions and talking through any concerns you may have. Our limited medical services and free pregnancy tests are often available right away.
Contact us today to schedule a free appointment at one of our six locations in Darien, Elmhurst, Glen Ellyn / Lombard, Naperville, West Chicago, and Wood Dale, Illinois!
Preparing Yourself for a Pregnancy Decision
When something big happens, such as discovering you’re pregnant, it’s natural for us to want to tell our friends and family. These are the people we often rely on during hard times. You may be worried about who can help you now in moving forward with a pregnancy decision. Where do you turn for reliable information?
If you’ve recently moved to this country, the United States may offer different care options and processes than what you may be used to. But even if you’ve been living here for a while, learning as much as you can about what types of assistance you have available to you can lead to an informed choice. Learning more about the help available to you can reduce stress. This will give you the opportunity to think through your personal feelings about being pregnant.
To see what the United States does for women facing unexpected pregnancies, you may want to ask questions of a healthcare worker, or another informed professional. Is your concern about access to prenatal care and other related services causing you to consider abortion? Are there community health centers or health departments that can provide you with this at an affordable cost?
Pregnancy Options in the U.S.
Every pregnant woman has three choices regarding her options. This can be a lot of information to take in at once. Though you may feel confident about an abortion decision, it may still be beneficial to weigh the pros and cons of each option. You can definitely do this by yourself. But, speaking with a professional within a confidential environment can provide support in taking the next steps.
Living alone in a foreign country and finding out you’re pregnant can be a scary experience. You may be wondering how to cope with this, and where you can go to access supportive resources?
It’s understandable you may feel overwhelmed, but have you considered reaching out to the following places for comfort and encouragement?
- A pregnancy support group
- Your local community
- A migrant resource center
- A first-step options clinic
One of the questions on your mind may also be how to communicate with your friends and family back home? If you’re feeling overwhelmed, you may be thinking of options to visit them. But you may not be sure if you can afford to travel right now. Is there a way to contact them on social media, email, or by phone? An unexpected pregnancy means you’re likely facing a big decision. It can be helpful to verbally process your circumstances with someone close to you.
Abortion Laws in the United States
If you’ve been thinking about abortion as an option, it’s important to look into the laws that may impact your decision. Access to abortion and the type of procedure available to you generally depends on your pregnancy’s gestational age, and laws can vary in each state. Certain places may also have different laws regarding how much you’re required to pay out of pocket for the abortion.
You may need to schedule an ultrasound exam to see how far along you are if you do not know the first day of your last menstrual period. Depending on how far the pregnancy has progressed, you may not be eligible for a non-surgical abortion. Ask yourself if this plays a role in your decision – will you be comfortable with undergoing a surgical procedure? Do you have concerns about possible physical or emotional risks?
Arranging for an abortion appointment may also be rendered unnecessary if there’s a risk of the pregnancy ending naturally. An ultrasound can detect your chances of experiencing a miscarriage or an ectopic pregnancy. If it’s ectopic that means the pregnancy implanted outside the uterus, and medical care should be sought right away.
As you research what options are available to you, you may want to locate support from someone who can partner with you during this challenging time.
Are you worried about facing a pregnancy by yourself? Avenue Women’s Center is here to help you navigate through this journey. We provide the necessary support and services to ease the transition. Receive free services such as medical-grade pregnancy tests and confidential consultations with one of our expert staff who can offer reliable information about your options.
Reach out today for pregnancy assistance at no cost!
The information provided here is general in nature. It is not a substitute for a consultation with a medical professional. Before any medical procedure, it is imperative that you discuss your personal medical history, risks, and concerns with your doctor. If you have questions during or after a procedure, your doctor should be immediately contacted. Avenue Women’s Center is not an emergency center. If you are experiencing severe symptoms, such as bleeding and/or pain, seek immediate medical attention. Contact your physician, go to an emergency room, or call 911.