Do you think you may be facing another pregnancy just a short time after having an abortion? Some people do try to conceive a few weeks after terminating. But chances are, this second time wasn’t intentional or expected, much like the first. Maybe you didn’t realize that the results of the previous abortion were no longer in effect. You’re likely feeling scared, frustrated, and confused as you struggle to wrap your mind around these overwhelming circumstances. Know that you have options. You’re able to discover which path is best for you, and you can accomplish this by taking simple, practical steps.
Sometimes, individuals who decide to abort experience complex emotions surrounding this afterward. Perhaps you’re still processing your own abortion, and also feeling like you’re back to square one. Our expert team at Avenue Women’s Center is available to meet you in that difficult space. We’re a limited medical clinic with a passion for helping women find answers to their questions while receiving genuine support.
Check out our website to learn what we’re about and discover our first-step pregnancy services! They’re free and confidential!
Being Kind to Yourself in the Frustration
According to the American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists (ACOG), a woman’s menstrual cycle usually resumes around 4-6 weeks after an abortion, but pregnancy can occur before that point. You’re probably thinking, “This would have been helpful information to have a few weeks ago.” If you’re frustrated with yourself, with others, and/or with your situation in general, that’s understandable. Don’t let this frustration drive you to make a hasty or impulsive pregnancy decision. Pause. Breathe. If you need to cry, embrace that fully. If you need to be held by your partner or best friend, go to them. Give yourself space to respond to and grieve over these circumstances with the same kindness that you would show to a loved one.
Following Up with a Medical Professional
Be sure to follow up with the medical professional who performed your abortion. If you’re not sure what suggestions were made or what to do, reach out to this provider right away. It’s generally best for your safety and well-being to see a doctor at the recommended time after an abortion to ensure that you’re healthy and that the procedure was effective. If you believe that you’re still pregnant, it’s important to identify whether this is a new pregnancy or whether the abortion was incomplete, so you can receive the clarity and prompt medical care that you need.
Creating and Implementing a Plan
Once you’ve given yourself time to absorb your pregnancy news and take any necessary steps to safeguard your health, create a plan for this pregnancy. Consider taking these actions when you feel ready. They’ll help you gradually move toward your best outcome.
Learn about the pregnancy.
Every pregnancy is unique. Depending on the estimated gestational age of your pregnancy, now may be an excellent time to get a limited medical ultrasound. So, why would this be helpful? An ultrasound can confirm how far along you are, so you know which abortion methods you’re eligible for if that’s an option you’re considering. A scan can also clarify the viability of your pregnancy and where it’s located (if it’s an ectopic pregnancy, this would require immediate medical attention beyond an abortion). Avenue Women’s Center provides limited medical ultrasounds that provide all this information at no cost!
Learn about your available options and resources.
You have three options available to you: abortion, adoption, and parenting. It can be really helpful to review the processes and risks involved with all of these, even if you’ve done this recently for your previous pregnancy. Learn about your available resources as well to identify potential sources of support and empower yourself. There’s new insight to be discovered. Avenue is passionate about helping women move forward feeling cared for and well-informed, which is why we provide free pregnancy consultations to all.
Process how your feelings, values, and beliefs may affect your choice.
It’s vital for any pregnancy decision to come from your gut. You can gain valuable self-insight by asking yourself what your deepest feelings, values, beliefs, and instincts are telling you. Ask yourself if these are pointing you toward a certain pregnancy outcome.
Remember that you’re the expert.
Every person is fully capable of making her own best pregnancy decision, but you’re especially well-equipped for this task. You’re bound to hold unique insights as someone who’s recently navigated a similar situation. Consider what aspects of your last pregnancy journey you felt good about, and what things you wished you’d done differently. Let your experiences guide and inform your new decision-making process. As frustrating as it may be that you’re facing these circumstances again, a lot of good can come out of your firsthand knowledge.
No matter what choices you’ve made in the past, which way you’re leaning now, or where your road leads in the future, our expert staff at Avenue is here to meet you with unconditional compassion. We’re a safe space and judgment-free zone. Our focus is on helping women feel strong, supported, and well-informed as they process their circumstances and find their paths to their own positive outcomes.
Reach out to Avenue today! We’re located in Darien, Elmhurst, Glen Ellyn / Lombard, West Chicago, and Wood Dale, Illinois!
The American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists (ACOG). (2022, August). FAQs: Abortion Care. Retrieved from: https://www.acog.org/womens-health/faqs/induced-abortion
The information provided here is general in nature. It is not a substitute for a consultation with a medical professional. Before any medical procedure, it is imperative that you discuss your personal medical history, risks, and concerns with your doctor. If you have questions during or after a procedure, your doctor should be immediately contacted. Avenue Women’s Center is not an emergency center. If you are experiencing severe symptoms, such as bleeding and/or pain, seek immediate medical attention. Contact your physician, go to an emergency room, or call 911.