Summer has run it’s course and traveling season is winding down. What adventures appeared on your summer calendar this year? Maybe you’ve recently embarked on an exciting vacation, a work trip, or a study abroad tour. Whether the purpose of travel is business or pleasure, the end goal is essentially the same: to return with a sense that something good was accomplished. But what if your experience has been the exact opposite? What if you’ve finally arrived home, only to be greeted by the shocking discovery that you’re unexpectedly pregnant…by someone you met during your travels?
An unexpected pregnancy may be one of the most stressful experiences a woman can go through, even when the father is someone she’s in a committed relationship with. If you think you may be pregnant by someone you came across during your travels, you may be overwhelmed beyond words. Our caring team at Avenue Women’s Center is available to meet you in that difficult space. We provide early pregnancy support to help persons managing an unexpected pregnancy access all the information and resources they need to take their next steps with confidence.
Call, text, chat, or email to learn more and schedule an appointment!
A Chance Meeting and a Rude Awakening
Modern technology has made connecting with people across the globe (both virtually and in-person) very easy. And, for the most part, that’s something to be grateful for! Thanks to ingenious inventions like the internet and air travel, individuals with diverse backgrounds have opportunities to interact constantly and to grow personally and interpersonally through these experiences. When you met the person you became pregnant by, this probably felt super exciting. It can be fascinating to engage with someone who comes from a different place and social context. It may have also felt natural to let your guard down, having stepped away from the pressures of everyday life (and probably never expecting to see him again). Mutual attraction and a thrilling new environment can very organically lead to romance and intimacy. Having sex may have felt really right in the moment. But now, you’re most likely seeing this encounter through a very different lens.
A String of Complex Questions
Needless to say, becoming pregnant by someone you don’t know, who’s from another place, whose whereabouts you’re unfamiliar with, can make the dynamics surrounding an unexpected pregnancy especially complicated. Chances are, a lot of difficult questions are rattling around in your head. Maybe you’re wondering to yourself:
- Do I want to figure out who fathered this pregnancy? Do I want to contact him, and how would I do that if so?
- What are my pregnancy options? And how are my circumstances influencing my leanings regarding a pregnancy decision?
- What do I do next? Where can I turn for help?
A Way Forward
Every unexpected pregnancy situation is unique, so every woman must use a unique approach to reach her most positive outcome. The best way to navigate the future is step-by-step. Avenue Women’s Center can be your unwavering ally throughout this process. We’re here to provide accurate information and caring support, so you feel equipped to move forward with all the knowledge and backing you need. Many of the women we meet are drawn to make a pregnancy decision (for abortion, adoption, or parenting) based on fears triggered by their circumstances. At Avenue, we recommend pursuing a strengths-based choice instead of a fear-based one. It’s vital to factor in all the one-of-a-kind personal qualities, resources, and supports that will help you embrace your own best option. You’ve got this. And we’ve got your back!
If you don’t know who or where the father is, let alone have the assurance of his support, you may be feeling vulnerable today. Know that there are tons of steps a person in a position like yours can take to move toward an empowered pregnancy decision. You don’t need to know his identity or receive his help to learn about this pregnancy, research your options, and discover the many resources available to you. Nor do you need him around to pursue your best outcome. At Avenue, we aim to equip women for a well-informed, autonomous choice. And we’re available to walk this pregnancy journey by your side, no matter where your path leads.
Learn more about our first-step pregnancy services! Avenue offers medical-grade pregnancy tests, pregnancy consultations, and limited medical ultrasounds at no cost!
The information provided here is general in nature. It is not a substitute for a consultation with a medical professional. Before any medical procedure, it is imperative that you discuss your personal medical history, risks, and concerns with your doctor. If you have questions during or after a procedure, your doctor should be immediately contacted. Avenue Women’s Center is not an emergency center. If you are experiencing severe symptoms, such as bleeding and/or pain, seek immediate medical attention. Contact your physician, go to an emergency room, or call 911.