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Pregnant and Parenting on Campus: How to Locate Support

An unexpected pregnancy decision often requires careful contemplation and a safe environment where you can discuss your options with an informed resource. If you’re a student, learning you were pregnant may have led to worries about being pregnant and parenting on campus; how to attend class and finish your education. This can be an emotional time. But after taking the time to consider your choices, perhaps you think you may want to pursue parenting. A lot of responsibility often comes with this unexpected pregnancy route. And it can be important to have a supportive network behind you.

If you’re a pregnant student who’s thinking about parenting, then you may need information on how to access the care you need. Avenue Women’s Center is here. We provide confidential care and resources at each of our six DuPage County centers. Our staff is trained to meet with you to discuss your concerns. We’ll answer any of your questions during a private consultation appointment.

Contact us today to schedule your free session with one of our compassionate pregnancy experts!  

Searching for Help as a Pregnant Student

A strong support system during your unexpected pregnancy and beyond can help alleviate some of the stress you may be experiencing. Having a network of people who are rooting for your success and encouraging you along the way can serve as an inspiration and support. Every woman’s situation is unique. And as a college student, there may be certain people you want to reach out to and include on your team.

Friends and Family:

Your loved ones can play an important role in your decision. They may know you well and want the best possible outcome for your life. They can be there for you emotionally during the pregnancy. And sometimes, friends and family may also be able to support you if you decide on parenting. You may want to discuss with them the areas where you may need their help the most, such as child care or finances. This way, your loved ones may have a better idea about how they can assist you in your parenting goals.

Professional Counseling:

Being pregnant can be an emotional ride. So, you may need help from someone who’s trained to give you advice. This could include a school counselor, a therapist, or a pregnancy consultant. The responsibilities associated with pregnancy and parenting can seem daunting as a student. Having a professional to confide in and help connect you to resources can be helpful. A counselor or a pregnancy consultant can listen and offer you support in any way they can, providing you with guidance along the way.

Campus Staff:

Some colleges have resources on campus for pregnant students. Reach out to the administration to discuss how they can help you during and after your pregnancy. If you feel you’re being discriminated against at school for your condition, then you may want to contact your college’s Title IX officer. By law, every aspect of your educational career must be protected. This includes your coursework, extracurricular, and your scholarships. As your Title IX officer may explain to you, your school also cannot penalize you for taking time off, nor can you be punished for needing accommodations. It’s recommended you communicate with the staff at your school. That way, they know what’s going on, and they can serve as your advocate on campus.

Parenting as a Student

Parenting can come with challenges. But knowing what kind of help is available to you may reduce some of your anxieties. Try to remember that you are not alone. And all of your hard work is leading to something. As you navigate through this journey, here are just a few of the ways you can make it a little easier on yourself.

If you’re worried about your class load on top of parenting, reach out to a tutor. To keep from pushing yourself too hard, you may also want to talk to an academic advisor about potentially reworking your schedule. Look into the option of shifting your classes to online learning. And, if you have any academic concerns, reach out to your advisor for assistance.

When it comes to childcare, does your school provide students with a daycare option? If not, then you may want to talk with a campus dean or the school’s administration about where you can go for this. Also, a local pregnancy decision center may be able to connect you to affordable resources within your area.

This period of your life might have brought a lot of changes. But try to remember all of the people who are here to help you. Don’t underestimate yourself or your abilities.

It’s normal to feel anxiety over an unexpected pregnancy if you’re a student. Avenue Women’s Center is here to partner with you in this journey. We provide free services and support at each of our six Chicagoland locations. Our caring staff will learn more about your unique story, guiding you through your options and helping to connect you to available resources.

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The Pregnant Scholar. (2016, January). Title IX Basics. Retrieved from:


The information provided here is general in nature.  It is not a substitute for a consultation with a medical professional. Before any medical procedure, it is imperative that you discuss your personal medical history, risks, and concerns with your doctor. If you have questions during or after a procedure, your doctor should be immediately contacted. Avenue Women’s Center is not an emergency center.  If you are experiencing severe symptoms, such as bleeding and/or pain, seek immediate medical attention.  Contact your physician, go to an emergency room, or call 911.