Developing romantic feelings for a friend is almost always a confusing experience, no matter a person’s age. But what if you’ve also discovered that you’re unexpectedly pregnant by your friend/crush? Finding yourself in this situation is totally unlike being pregnant by a partner. It’s also totally unlike being pregnant by someone you don’t have feelings for. There may be some unique repercussions that are difficult to navigate. Perhaps you’re completely overwhelmed because it seems like you’re in way over your head.
The truth is, you’re fully capable of handling these complex circumstances with poise and discovering your own best outcome. Our caring, expert staff at Avenue Women’s Center is here to support you in that process. We’re a limited medical clinic providing free, confidential early pregnancy services to persons in Chicagoland, Illinois and beyond.
Learn more about our no-cost services!
Unexpectedly Pregnant in a Complicated Relationship
Maybe you’ve had a crush on your friend or been attracted to him for years. Perhaps these feelings have built up only recently. They may be mutual or one-sided, ranging from mild chemistry to infatuation and everything in between. It’s possible to feel excited, miserable, happy, guilty, and anxious about a situation like yours all at once. Complex may be the optimal word to describe these circumstances, especially if either one of you is already in a committed relationship with someone else.
Needless to say, having sex with a friend adds a whole new dynamic to this relationship. There’s probably some mutual chemistry, but you may have diverse desires and expectations for your future together. Sex may hold a different meaning for each of you. It can be awkward to navigate all this alongside someone you have romantic feelings for outside the boundaries of a committed romantic relationship. Then there’s the pregnancy to consider! Perhaps you’re questioning if and how you should approach this subject with your friend. What would it look like to invite this person into your pregnancy journey, this individual who you probably care about and trust, and may want to be in a relationship with, but aren’t dating right now? How would you define your relationship, not only as friends who have chemistry, but as two people managing an unexpected pregnancy? And how would all these unique circumstances influence your approach to your pregnancy options (abortion, adoption, and parenting)? There may not be easy answers to any of these questions. But you don’t have to ask any of them on your own.
The Value of Early Pregnancy Support
Avenue Women’s Center has been serving anyone facing an unexpected pregnancy since 1981. We’ve worked with countless individuals in complex relationships coping with a wide range of circumstances and emotions, and we’d love to partner with you too. You’re a unique woman with unique relationships managing a unique situation. There’s no one-size-fits-all approach to navigating circumstances like yours. That’s why it can be so beneficial to sit down with a trusted ally in a private setting and process your questions together. Avenue pregnancy consultants and nurses are available to embrace that role. All our expert team members are passionate about helping persons access reliable information with the highest standards of empathy and professionalism. We highly recommend learning about your pregnancy, your options, and available resources to know where you stand and move forward with an informed perspective. Our free early pregnancy services are offered with these important purposes in mind!
Avenue Women’s Center is a no-judgment zone. We’re all about creating a safe, comfortable space for you to access accurate information and receive caring support. You’ve got this. And we’ve got your back.
Call, text, chat, or email to schedule an appointment today! We provide in-person and virtual consultations!
The information provided here is general in nature. It is not a substitute for a consultation with a medical professional. Before any medical procedure, it is imperative that you discuss your personal medical history, risks, and concerns with your doctor. If you have questions during or after a procedure, your doctor should be immediately contacted. Avenue Women’s Center is not an emergency center. If you are experiencing severe symptoms, such as bleeding and/or pain, seek immediate medical attention. Contact your physician, go to an emergency room, or call 911.