For some women, choosing a pregnancy option (abortion, adoption, or parenting) is one of the hardest decisions they’ll ever make. Perhaps you’ve recently come face-to-face with an unexpected pregnancy and found yourself at this crossroads. You may have settled on continuing the pregnancy, whether you mean to parent or create an adoption plan. A lot of women feel more confident in their decision to continue once they’ve determined this to be their best course and started making plans. That may be how you hoped and expected to feel. However, some women begin to lose confidence in their decision days, weeks, or even months down the road. Maybe you’re second-guessing your pregnancy choice. If so, you’re not alone. Our compassionate staff at Avenue Women’s Center is here to review (and re-review) all available options and resources by your side.
Chances are, your decision to continue this pregnancy wasn’t easy. You may have spent countless hours considering how to move forward, trying to envision every possibility. It’s a mentally exhausting process for most women. So, if you’re having some doubts about the path you’ve taken so far, you’re probably feeling frustrated and discouraged. A first-step pregnancy center like Avenue Women’s Center can help, no matter which stage of the pregnancy decision-making process you’re in! We’re a limited medical clinic, committed to educating and empowering women through no-cost early pregnancy services and caring support.
Avenue has been serving women as they navigate the challenges of an unexpected pregnancy since 1981! Learn more about us!
A Challenging Place to Find Yourself
Choosing whether to continue or end a pregnancy is a decision that really matters. So, it’s understandable that some women experience anxiety or insecurity about a path they’ve already started down. You may be second-guessing your decision to continue this pregnancy for many different reasons, depending on your unique circumstances and plans. If you’ve chosen to parent, you may be getting cold feet due to new financial or relationship challenges, or other changes in your situation. Or, perhaps you’re feeling uncertain about a decision for adoption as your pregnancy progresses. Maybe you’ve encountered new health challenges or learned of a medical risk with the pregnancy that’s made you nervous. Whatever specific factors are casting some doubt over your decision to continue this pregnancy, you’re likely wrestling with a lot of confusion and emotional pain. The good news is, there’s compassionate help available.
Navigating the Road Ahead with an Ally
When faced with circumstances like these, it’s important to re-examine your support system and choose someone caring and trustworthy to connect with. You have a lot on your plate! Confiding in someone can allow you to process your feelings out loud, hear another perspective, feel better supported, and receive information that may provide clarity. Consider sharing your thought process with a professional counselor, mentor, faith leader, or someone like a pregnancy consultant. Our expert pregnancy consultants at Avenue are available to process these circumstances by your side, whether or not we’ve already provided first-step pregnancy services. Here are a few topics and questions our consultants may offer to explore with you.
- What factors (situational, emotional, medical, etc.) are a part of your unique pregnancy story? Have any factors changed or come up since you first decided to continue your pregnancy?
- Where do things stand with your pregnancy now? For example, how far has your pregnancy developed, and is it viable? A limited medical ultrasound can help determine this. Your pregnancy has changed with time. Knowing how will offer insight into your pregnancy decision and better equip you to be mindful of your own health.
- Where are your fears and doubts coming from? Avenue is here to help you care for your own physical and emotional health first and foremost. But maybe there’s a solution that could equip you to continue your plans, while offering some peace of mind. Are there resources or new sources of support that could make a difference in your situation? Why not explore these further?
- What are your options at this point in time? They may have shifted since you last chose to continue this pregnancy. If you’re thinking about changing course, what would it look like to pursue a different option?
*If your pregnancy continues, you’ll continue to have two options (up until the birth): adoption and parenting. If you decide that the avenue you originally chose isn’t right for you, maybe it’s time to consider the other. Our compassionate team at Avenue is here to support you and offer reliable information as you process through this.
It can feel stressful and disorienting when you’ve made up your mind about something significant, and find yourself questioning that decision later on. Because pregnancy is a process that develops over time, it’s possible for your feelings about the option you’re pursuing to shift. Your pregnancy journey may have been difficult and confusing so far. But you’re fully capable of identifying your own best path with courage and confidence. You were when you first decided to continue your pregnancy, and you are now!
Reach out today and speak with one of our knowledgeable team members about scheduling an appointment! Our offices are located in Darien, Elmhurst, Glen Ellyn / Lombard, Naperville, West Chicago, and Wood Dale, Illinois.
The information provided here is general in nature. It is not a substitute for a consultation with a medical professional. Before any medical procedure, it is imperative that you discuss your personal medical history, risks, and concerns with your doctor. If you have questions during or after a procedure, your doctor should be immediately contacted. Avenue Women’s Center is not an emergency center. If you are experiencing severe symptoms, such as bleeding and/or pain, seek immediate medical attention. Contact your physician, go to an emergency room, or call 911.