Darien is a Chicago suburb whose motto boasts that it’s “A nice place to live.” Perhaps you live in this area of the western suburbs, but your personal world hasn’t felt like “a nice place” at all since you realized you were unexpectedly pregnant. Maybe you’ve already taken the first pill of the abortion pill process, but you’re rethinking it. Or you’ve heard about the abortion pill reversal method, but you’re wondering if it’s truly possible to change your mind. Although there’s some disagreement among experts about the safety and effectiveness of the abortion pill reversal, it’s an option if you’re feeling doubtful about your initial decision. Obtaining more information about the treatment and its effects may help you see if you want to move forward with this choice.
Are you in Darien or the greater Chicagoland area and reconsidering the abortion pill? Avenue Women’s Center can provide you with information about the abortion pill reversal process through our caring, well-informed staff. We’re a first-step pregnancy clinic that’s all about equipping women with the information and resources they need to take their next steps.
Schedule an appointment at one of our five locations throughout the western Chicago metro area, including our center in Darien!
*Avenue Women’s Center is a limited medical clinic that offers confidential early pregnancy services at no cost. We do not provide abortions or abortion pill reversals.
Can I Reconsider the Abortion Pill After Taking It?
You may have visited an abortion clinic near Darien or the surrounding area, where you were given a medication called mifepristone. This drug works by blocking the effects of the pregnancy hormone, progesterone (Yale Medicine). It’s possible you were also given a medication called misoprostol and told to take this 24-48 hours after the mifepristone to expel the uterine contents (American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists). If the misoprostol hasn’t been taken, abortion pill reversal may still be an option (American Pregnancy Association).
The abortion pill reversal works by flooding the body with the hormone progesterone. Progesterone treatments have been used to treat pregnant women for decades without harmful effects, according to the American Pregnancy Association. Progesterone treatments may be prescribed within 0-72 hours of taking mifepristone. It’s believed that taking the abortion pill reversal at least within the first 24 hours of taking mifepristone increases the odds of the pregnancy continuing by up to 62%. However, this has been verified by just one small study, and more research is needed. The abortion pill reversal is not FDA-approved as of now (January 2025) (American Pregnancy Association). Where to Turn After Rethinking the Abortion Pill
Reconsidering a past decision can be confusing, but a healthcare provider or a pregnancy expert can supply you with relevant information to make the process simpler. There’s no shame in making a different choice. Often, we may not realize the impact of a decision until we have begun the process. It’s wise to consider your second thoughts regarding the abortion pill and take the next steps to figure out your options.
Your freedom and ability to choose does not end after taking mifepristone. If you’re having second thoughts, Avenue Women’s Center can provide information on all your options, including the abortion pill reversal. With clinics in Darien and 5 other locations throughout Chicagoland, we can offer you support right within your neighborhood. It’s normal to change your mind after a big decision, and Avenue wants you to know we’re here to support you throughout your decision-making process, whatever path it may take.
Reach out to speak with a caring and knowledgeable staff member today!
- The American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists (ACOG). (2024, May). FAQs: Abortion Care. Retrieved from: https://www.acog.org/womens-health/faqs/induced-abortion
- American Pregnancy Association. Abortion Pill Reversal. Retrieved from: https://americanpregnancy.org/unplanned-pregnancy/abortion-pill-reversal/
- Yale Medicine. (2023, September). Medication Abortion: Your Questions Answered. Retrieved from: https://www.yalemedicine.org/news/medication-abortion-your-questions-answered#:~:text=Mifepristone%20is%20a%20medication%20that,hours%20to%20pass%20the%20tissue.
Reviewed by Patricia Kuenzi, APN-CNP, MSN, ANP, PNP.
The information provided here is general in nature. It is not a substitute for a consultation with a medical professional. Before any medical procedure, it is imperative that you discuss your personal medical history, risks, and concerns with your doctor. If you have questions during or after a procedure, your doctor should be immediately contacted. Avenue Women’s Center is not an emergency center. If you are experiencing severe symptoms, such as bleeding and/or pain, seek immediate medical attention. Contact your physician, go to an emergency room, or call 911.