We all wonder what’s going to happen next in life. Sometimes the unknown can be exciting, while other times it’s stressful or scary. Moments can feel like eons when you’re anxious to find out something, especially if you’re waiting for the results of a pregnancy test. As the minutes tick by, you wonder what will happen next if it’s positive. Your head spins with the possible outcomes of parenting, adoption, and abortion. You can’t see into the future to know for sure what’s going to happen. However, you can start taking the next steps of your pregnancy decision.
Take the next step of your decision with a free, medical-grade pregnancy test at Avenue Women’s Center. We are a women’s limited medical center with five Chicagoland locations in the DuPage County area. Our free tests help confirm a pregnancy with accurate results just 10 days after possible conception. Our caring client advocates will discuss your results and pregnancy options in a private, nonjudgmental, and confidential consultation. Contact us today and set up your free appointment!
The Unknown Future of a Pregnancy
A lot of life is a guessing a game. We don’t ever really know what is ahead of us, even when we think we have it all planned out. You go along a path to your future, but so many experiences and decisions can bump you right onto an entirely different route. What will your path ahead look like with an unexpected pregnancy? What will the future hold with each of your pregnancy options?
There’s no fortune telling in an unexpected pregnancy, no crystal ball to reveal what’s going to come of your decision. You can’t see into the future with a guaranteed outcome, no matter which pregnancy option you’re considering most. Parenting may seem like a challenge, even with a support system in place. Abortion may seem to address your current concerns, but could come with emotional or physical effects. You don’t know for certain what’s going to happen next once you make a pregnancy decision.
Seeing into the Future of Your Pregnancy Options
In all this uncertainty, how do you move forward and make a pregnancy decision you can feel good about? You want to see into the future and make a choice that’s right for you. What’s your best pregnancy option? And how can you help yourself find clarity among the unknown?
First, don’t try to play the guessing game with your pregnancy options. Even if you think you have all the facts, there may be aspects you aren’t aware of, or things you haven’t thought about yet. What are the adoption plan options in your region? What resources and support systems are available to parents in need within your local community? What are the different abortion procedures and the risks involved? Start delving into questions like these and learn more about each pregnancy option.
Then, slow down the spinning emotions that uncertainty can bring. A lot of us tend to feel anxious when we’re unsure, placing pressure on ourselves to figure out the answer. You could feel rushed, stressed, panicky, or overwhelmed. Resist that urge to decide quickly. A pregnancy decision should never be rushed or pressured, whether it’s from yourself or others. Pause to fully examine both the negative and positive feelings that could come with each pregnancy option. What feels right for you, and why
What happens next in your pregnancy decision is up to you. No one can, or should, decide for you—even if it’s a loved one or your partner. No prediction about the future will be one hundred percent accurate. This can make a pregnancy decision terrifying to face. Ultimately the decision affects you most directly and should be one you confident in making. Even when you don’t know the future, the unknown can bring opportunities you never thought possible.
Do you wish you could see into the future and know what to do about an unexpected pregnancy? You can’t leap ahead, but you can take things one step at a time. Take your first step at an Avenue Women’s Center. Learn more about parenting, adoption, and abortion from our expert client advocates who care about helping you make an informed decision. We provide compassionate, understanding, and nonjudgmental pregnancy options support. Get the accurate and reliable information you need to make a decision you can feel good about in the future. Call, text, chat, or email us today for your free appointment!
The information provided here is general in nature. It is not a substitute for a consultation with a medical professional. Before any medical procedure, it is imperative that you discuss your personal medical history, risks, and concerns with your doctor. If you have questions during or after a procedure, your doctor should be immediately contacted. Avenue Women’s Center is not an emergency center. If you are experiencing severe symptoms, such as bleeding and/or pain, seek immediate medical attention. Contact your physician, go to an emergency room, or call 911.