After a special census was taken in 2016, Joliet was named the 3rd largest city in Illinois! It expands across both the Des Plaines and DuPage rivers. With the increasing population, Avenue Women’s Center realizes the need for our services also increases. We want any woman who is seeking information about abortion to have access to our care.
Avenue Women’s Center has a clinic conveniently located in Naperville, just 35 minutes north of Joliet, straight up Route 59. For clinic information, or to schedule an appointment, please call, text, or email us today.
To reach our office from Joliet, travel north on Route 59. In a little more than 15 miles, you will find our clinic on the southwest corner of Route 59 and 83rd Street (AKA Montgomery Road). Our office is next to the US Bank, facing Route 59.
Avenue Women’s Center is a limited medical clinic that offers free services to women who find themselves in an unwanted pregnancy. We offer free medical grade pregnancy tests that are 99.9% accurate 10 days after conception to verify your results.
If your pregnancy test is positive and you are seeking information about abortion we hope to be your “first step” resource.
Our trained, caring, respectful staff will give you specific information on the types of abortions that are available and which ones you may qualify for at your stage of pregnancy. Abortion procedures, side effects, emotional and relational impacts can be explored. Avenue Women’s Center believes in the importance of every woman having all the information she needs to make the best choice for herself.
Ultrasounds are available on a limited basis, and if you qualify one will be provided for you for free. An ultrasound provides valuable information for women who are considering an abortion. First, our sonographer works to accurately date a pregnancy. Second, she examines whether the pregnancy is located properly / safely. Third, she evaluates the specific risk of miscarriage with your pregnancy. If our sonographer determines that you appear likely to miscarry naturally or that your pregnancy is not located properly she will explain to you why an abortion will not be necessary or appropriate in your situation. Most women find this information to be very valuable.
Our Naperville office is typically open Monday – Friday 9:00-5:00, with our last appointment at 4:00. Walk-ins are always welcome but making an appointment is recommended so you can secure, with no waiting, the time that works best for you. If those hours do not fit with your availability, please contact us. We will work to schedule you conveniently at another nearby location.
If you have been seeking information about abortion in Joliet, we are so glad you found us today. Our Avenue Women’s Center team is trained to specifically meet your needs, and we are standing by to help you. Please contact us to make your appointment today.
The information provided here is general in nature. It is not a substitute for a consultation with a medical professional. Before any medical procedure, it is imperative that you discuss your personal medical history, risks, and concerns with your doctor. If you have questions during or after a procedure, your doctor should be immediately contacted. Avenue Women’s Center is not an emergency center. If you are experiencing severe symptoms, such as bleeding and/or pain, seek immediate medical attention. Contact your physician, go to an emergency room, or call 911.