Are you toying with the idea of going out with someone younger than you? Although most women tend to opt for men their own age or older, there is something to be said for dating a younger guy. Find out some fun facts in our article today.
Avenue Women’s Center is a women’s limited medical clinic in the Chicagoland area. We have been providing services to women facing unplanned pregnancy for over 36 years. We have encountered women in every single dating situation you can imagine. We understand each woman’s situation is unique and provide services tailored to her. If you think you might be pregnant or have taken a positive test at home, contact us right away for your free pregnancy consultation.
For a while, I had a thing for younger guys. It all started with Andy in High School. Well….I was in high school and he was in junior high. He played the guitar. He had a fun group of friends. He was hilarious and charming and super cute. But, just like most high school/junior high relationships, it quickly fizzled out when the realities of life got in the way (i.e. I had a car and could drive and he couldn’t). But what about our current life stage? How does a relationship play out when you’re adults and the woman is older than the man?
Perks of dating a younger guy:
- differences in perspective: sometimes it only takes a few years’ difference to notice a change in the perspectives of our partners. If an older guy is more focused on his career success, perhaps a younger guy is just trying to launch his life and has more flexibility. He may be less jaded about the world and his experiences in it, and therefore may offer a different perspective than you are used to.
- more focused on you: Because you are older, he may view you as the “catch” and be more intentional about your relationship. This also is an ego boost for you, as you capture the attentions of a younger man.
- flexible and enthusiastic: Younger guys (depending on their personality) may be more spontaneous and willing to try new things. He may not have experienced all the things you have, and that gives you the opportunity to do them together for the first time. He also may have more of a positive, “let’s do this!” attitude.
Frustrations of dating a younger guy:
- generation gap: Depending on the age difference, you may not always relate on cultural topics such as music, TV shows, and movies. You had different school experiences, different friend groups. Some commonality is lacking in the connection between shared experiences.
- financial gap: Since you are older, you very well may make more money that your partner. You may have to discuss how this comes into play in your relationship with questions of: “who picks up the tab?” “can you afford to vacation together?” “what are the financial priorities and how will you divvy up the responsibility?
- priorities gap: One of the hindrances to dating someone of a different age demographic is simply the differences in priorities. Perhaps one person is more focused on their career, getting married or starting a family. It can be difficult to reconcile the differences when the relationship becomes more serious. Open communication and discussion of life priorities will be important.
Overall, the perks of dating a younger guy can definitely outweigh the frustrations. However, age is not the deciding factor of success in a relationship. Whether you’re older or younger, it is important to communicate through the entire process if you’d like to have a healthy, long-lasting relationship regardless of age.
If you’re in a relationship with a younger guy and think you might be pregnant, Avenue Women’s Center is here to help. We provide medical grade pregnancy tests, accurate just 10 days after possible conception. Our caring client advocates can walk you through your pregnancy options in a confidential pregnancy consultation. Contact us today for an appointment at one of our five DuPage County locations: Elmhurst, Glen Ellyn / Lombard, Naperville , West Chicago, and Wood Dale, Illinois. We look forward to hearing from you.
The information provided here is general in nature. It is not a substitute for a consultation with a medical professional. Before any medical procedure, it is imperative that you discuss your personal medical history, risks, and concerns with your doctor. If you have questions during or after a procedure, your doctor should be immediately contacted. Avenue Women’s Center is not an emergency center. If you are experiencing severe symptoms, such as bleeding and/or pain, seek immediate medical attention. Contact your physician, go to an emergency room, or call 911.