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Starting Over Again: Facing an Unexpected Pregnancy While Being Mom of a Teen

Changes to your lifestyle can seem overwhelming. After already going through the ups and downs of parenting to raise a teenager, learning you’re expecting another child may have you feeling worried. Most women faced with an unexpected pregnancy have their own unique concerns. Yours may include worrying about changes to your current family, how your partner will react to another pregnancy, and how you’re going to cope with potential stress. These feelings are valid. Before making an unexpected pregnancy decision, you may want to take the time to reflect on your options and consider how you perceive these changes will affect you.

If you’re concerned about having another child while parenting a teen, Avenue Women’s Center can offer you support. We have assisted women in unexpected pregnancy decisions since 1981. Each of our six DuPage County centers offers women reliable information and resources. Taking the time to sit down with you and learn more about your unique situation, our caring staff will listen to your concerns and answer any questions about abortion, adoption, and parenting. We understand transitioning into a sudden change is not always easy. By offering you a nonjudgmental environment to seek help from, we’re here to walk with you to ensure your needs are met. Contact us today to start receiving free unexpected pregnancy care!

What Are My Options If I’m Pregnant and Already a Parent?

There’s nothing wrong with taking time to explore your three options of abortion, adoption, and parenting. The fact that you may already be a parent does not disqualify you from seeking further information about your choices. While you have the advantage of knowing more about being pregnant than someone who has never experienced this before, there may still be questions about how to best move forward.

Am I Ready to Parent Again?

One of the thoughts weighing on your mind may be concerns about adding another child to your household. As a parent of a teenager, there may also be worries about not feeling prepared for a younger sibling. You may have anxiety over how much time, energy, and resources may be required to support this new addition. Before you move forward with a decision, it may be a good idea to have a discussion with your partner about the pregnancy to see how you can both be there for one another.

If the two of you are struggling to communicate, whether that is due to stress or not being able to find time to sit and talk, it may be of benefit to have an in-depth conversation. When change emerges in a sudden wave, it’s understandable the two of you may feel overwhelmed. Those feelings can make talking with one another a challenge. This is why professional counsel might be of some assistance, as this can provide you both with a private space to express your feelings in a healthy way, and begin a discussion about your options.

By seeking advice from a spiritual leader, a family therapist, a counselor, or a pregnancy consultant, you and your partner can consider the questions you may have and lay them out in an organized fashion in order to make a decision.

Contemplating Your Three Options

It may be helpful to write out a list of questions that can help you weigh the pros and cons of each option. If you and your partner go through a professional resource for assistance with an unexpected pregnancy, then having these questions on hand can be useful when attempting to have a conversation about moving forward with a plan. 


  • How much will it cost to add another child to the household?
  • What would a budget plan look like for us?
  • Are our friends and family available for assistance? What local community agencies or organizations can provide support?
  • How can we balance our schedule, ensuring all family members receive adequate care?
  • How will the other kid(s) react to the pregnancy, and what role will my teen child(ren) play in supporting the family?


  • Have I spoken to a doctor or a pregnancy consultant about my abortion options, such as the different types of procedures available to me?
  • What will an abortion cost?
  • Do I need to schedule an ultrasound exam to rule out early pregnancy complications first, such as miscarriage or ectopic pregnancy?
  • What are some of the risks associated with abortion?
  • Will I need follow-up care afterward, such as counseling and supportive services? 


  • What is the difference between an open, semi-open, or closed adoption?
  • How will my other child/children react to me choosing adoption for their sibling?
  • Even if I’m already a parent, will I have access to pregnancy-related services through the adoption agency?
  • What qualities am I looking for in adoptive parents?
  • What do the laws regarding adoption look like in my state?

Learning about an unexpected pregnancy when you’re already a parent to a teenager can be overwhelming. It’s understandable that you may feel stressed. Acknowledging these emotions can be healthy. Be careful to not focus too much on negative thoughts. This may strengthen your anxieties and prevent you from thinking carefully about your options. Try to relax by remembering you’re not alone, you are free to reach out for support at any time.

When you’re the parent of a teenager, the idea of having another child can seem terrifying. Avenue Women’s Center is here to ensure you have access to the resources you need to confidently choose one of your options. We provide accurate information and nonjudgmental support. Through our limited medical services and private appointments, you can address any questions or concerns you may have in a compassionate environment. Schedule a free consultation today!

The information provided here is general in nature.  It is not a substitute for a consultation with a medical professional. Before any medical procedure, it is imperative that you discuss your personal medical history, risks, and concerns with your doctor. If you have questions during or after a procedure, your doctor should be immediately contacted. Avenue Women’s Center is not an emergency center.  If you are experiencing severe symptoms, such as bleeding and/or pain, seek immediate medical attention.  Contact your physician, go to an emergency room, or call 911.