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Support Matters in an Unexpected Pregnancy Decision

Women can often feel alone in unexpected pregnancy situations. Maybe they’re afraid to tell loved ones and friends for fear of judgment. Perhaps their relationship is struggling or recently ended. Whatever the circumstances, it can be difficult to make a pregnancy choice without help. However, support matters when it comes to an unexpected pregnancy decision. Where can you find nonjudgmental support as you decide what to do?

At Avenue Women’s Center, we provide a safe, understanding, and nonjudgmental environment for women to process their thoughts in an unexpected pregnancy decision. We’ve supported women in their first steps for nearly 40 years with our free services such as medical-grade pregnancy tests and confidential options consultations. Learn more about your pregnancy and your options from our expert staff who care about helping you feel supported and informed. Call, text, chat, or email us today for your free appointment in the Chicagoland area!

Support Matters While Deciding About an Unexpected Pregnancy

When we feel alone in a challenging situation, it can bring on emotions like fear, panic, stress, anxiety, and helplessness. And these feelings might grow increasingly stronger if you’re facing an unexpected pregnancy decision on your own. It’s an individual choice, but it can be scary to face it alone. And the emotions that come with that sense of aloneness can impact the options you consider in a negative way. The kind of support you receive and seek out matters.

It matters who you trust with your pregnancy news. Loved ones might have different views about your options. Your partner may not want to be involved, might not be available, or might want you to choose one option over others. Who might be a listening, compassionate, and understanding person you can confide in? Someone who won’t try to influence, impact, or sway you in any direction. Someone who won’t just support whatever you decide, but help you move forward in your decision.

Where do you turn when support matters so much in an unexpected pregnancy decision? What are your next steps to finding nonjudgmental support in a pregnancy decision?

Step 1: Your feelings matter.

Whether there’s a pregnancy option you’re strongly considering or you have mixed emotions about your options, you’re feelings matter. They deserve to be heard, understood, and listened to. It’s okay to feel things like doubt, fear, and worry. It’s also okay to feel tinges of excitement or wonder about the possibilities ahead. Sometimes you could feel it all at once. What could your feelings about each pregnancy option be telling you as you decide?

Step 2: Information matters.

When conducting your own online research, rather than finding factual information, it’s easy to instead come across biased opinions aimed at influencing your decision. Avoid personal experiences and opinion articles. Find medically-based information about abortion procedures and risks. Look up the local laws regarding adoption plan options. Discover parenting information and resources in your area. When educating yourself on abortion, adoption, or parenting look deeper into the source as well as the information provided.

Step 3: Nonjudgmental support matters.

Support that is helpful, compassionate, encouraging, understanding, and informative is important in an unexpected pregnancy decision. It can also be challenging to find. Every pregnancy situation is unique, different, and personal. No one can completely understand exactly what you’re going through, but finding nonjudgmental empathy can be extremely helpful in making a pregnancy decision you can feel good about.

Sometimes we need more than just support in our decisions, we need the important information to move forward. At Avenue Women’s Center, you’ll find both. Our clients often describe their experience with our expert pregnancy consultants as caring, comfortable, welcoming, kind, understanding, encouraging, and informative. Our free options consultations give women accurate and reliable answers to their personal concerns and questions. We provide the information and nonjudgmental care you need to take the first steps in your pregnancy decision. Avenue cares about helping you move forward with an option you feel is best for you! Contact us today for your free appointment!

The information provided here is general in nature.  It is not a substitute for a consultation with a medical professional. Before any medical procedure, it is imperative that you discuss your personal medical history, risks, and concerns with your doctor. If you have questions during or after a procedure, your doctor should be immediately contacted. Avenue Women’s Center is not an emergency center.  If you are experiencing severe symptoms, such as bleeding and/or pain, seek immediate medical attention.  Contact your physician, go to an emergency room, or call 911.