When a home pregnancy test comes up positive, it can come as an unexpected surprise. You weren’t planning on becoming pregnant—maybe not right now, or maybe not at all. The news sends a shockwave rippling through many aspects of your life. You start wondering how each pregnancy option could affect your future goals, along with everything that led you to this moment. What are your next steps when a positive pregnancy test feels like a reality check?
So many factors can affect the results of a home pregnancy test. Take your next steps and confirm your pregnancy with a free, medical-grade test at Avenue Women’s Center. Our tests are accurate just 10 days after possible conception with results you can trust. We care about providing women with nonjudgmental, compassionate, and completely confidential support at each of our five Chicagoland locations. Find your nearby center and reach out to us today for your free appointment!
The Reality Check of a Positive Pregnancy Test
An unexpected pregnancy can often cause many mixed emotions and confusing thoughts. You stare down at the positive test results in disbelief, surprise, and possibly even fear. Maybe you were trying to avoid a pregnancy by using contraceptive methods. Perhaps you thought you couldn’t get pregnant because of a medical condition. You might have thought a pregnancy wasn’t possible at this stage of your ovulation cycle. Your thoughts race as you reflect on what led you to become pregnant, and all the things you could have done differently.
If this all sounds familiar, a positive pregnancy test might feel like your very own personal reality check. Many women can feel so jolted by an unexpected pregnancy that they start looking at their lives differently. You didn’t think a pregnancy decision would become part of your reality, but here it is.
How does a positive pregnancy test affect a relationship with your partner? What about other personal relationships? Does a pregnancy have you reevaluating your sexual activity, or even your understanding of contraceptive methods? What are some of your individual health concerns with an unexpected pregnancy? How will your future dreams be impacted by the pregnancy options you’re considering? These might be just some of the many questions that come to mind. What are others? And what could these questions mean for your next steps?
What Comes Next After a Positive Pregnancy Test?
When a reality check hits hard after a positive pregnancy test, it can bring a lot of uncertainty about your options. How can you move forward in your decision when you feel like you’ve been sucker-punched by reality? Your reality check might help reveal some hints about your next steps. What are your emotional and personal reasons with the pregnancy option you’re considering most? What are the logical and practical reasons? How much do all these reasons overlap? In what ways do they conflict? It can be helpful to first understand how you feel personally about your pregnancy options, since the decision will affect you most directly.
What comes next? Making an informed decision by learning more about your pregnancy options.
- If you’re considering abortion … Get the facts straight when it comes to the different types of abortion procedures, possible physical risks, and potential emotional effects. Talk with your doctor or a medical professional about your personal health history and a possible abortion. What are your chances of a possible miscarriage? How far along is your pregnancy, and how does this affect your abortion options?
- If parenting is a possibility … Have you spoken with your partner about continuing your pregnancy? What could parenting look like for your relationship? Can you find a support system in family or friends? Are there community resources for further support in your area? What health benefits could you be eligible for during and after your pregnancy?
- If you’re curious about adoption … How can you learn if adoption is right for you? What are the adoption options in your state or region? How can you find the right adoptive parents? Where can you go for adoption counseling, support, and information?
Learn more information about each of your pregnancy options at Avenue Women’s Center. When you come in for a free medical-grade pregnancy test, you’ll also have the opportunity to go over your unique questions during a private options consultation. Avenue has served women for nearly 40 years, and we understand that every unexpected pregnancy situation is different. Our expert client advocates will take the time to listen and address your individual questions and concerns about parenting, adoption, or abortion. Get accurate, reliable, and personalized information about your options to help you take the next steps in your pregnancy decision. Call, text, chat, or email us to set up your free appointment.
The information provided here is general in nature. It is not a substitute for a consultation with a medical professional. Before any medical procedure, it is imperative that you discuss your personal medical history, risks, and concerns with your doctor. If you have questions during or after a procedure, your doctor should be immediately contacted. Avenue Women’s Center is not an emergency center. If you are experiencing severe symptoms, such as bleeding and/or pain, seek immediate medical attention. Contact your physician, go to an emergency room, or call 911.