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There is Life Outside of Parenting

Constant crying. Dirty diapers. Dishes, shopping, laundry. This is what having kids means, right? Gone is a life of freedom and fun, replaced by responsibility and chaos. Maybe you’ve just taken a pregnancy test and the results are positive. Perhaps the scenario above describes your worst fears and you’re trying to figure out how to keep them from coming true. With news of an unexpected pregnancy, you might be left wondering if there is life outside of parenting.

Are you looking for somebody to talk to about your fears of losing your freedom? If an unexpected pregnancy seems like the worst thing that could happen to you, Avenue Women’s Center is the place for you. With over 40 years of trusted service and care to men and women throughout the Chicagoland area, we’re equipped to walk you through this.

Don’t let fear of losing the life you love stop you. Make an appointment with us today!

New Perspectives on Pregnancy

Sometimes the entertainment we consume can alter or discolor our perspectives on certain life events. This can certainly be true of pregnancy and parenting. Taking a moment to consider where you’re getting your ideas about pregnancy and parenting can be eye-opening. Are you watching movies that paint it in a bad light? Or are you talking to real women who have experienced similar things to what you are now? Sometimes having new perspectives can be helpful in showing that maybe what we fear isn’t necessarily going to happen.

Crafting a Life You Love

Changes come throughout our lifetime. Sometimes changes might seem for the better or for the worse. Or they could be planned or entirely unexpected. It can be difficult when we feel like the life we’re leading is threatened by change. Because change is inevitable, it can be worthwhile to craft a life you love that can withstand change at any life stage. Find a hobby or two. Gather a solid group of people who can support you. These are both good steps in the right direction! Having things about your life that you love aside from pregnancy and possible parenting is healthy. Nobody said you have to stop pursuing your passions and goals or having fun if kids come around.

Informed to Move Forward

Moving forward with a pregnancy decision can feel overwhelming. No matter which decision you’re leaning toward, it is crucial to have updated and factual information about your options and your pregnancy. Finding support and somebody who is knowledgeable to take this journey with you can make all the difference in moving forward. You may find it beneficial to talk with somebody like a pregnancy consultant as they can help you think through your options as well as creatively brainstorm ways for you to keep living a life you love.

Life doesn’t end after you start parenting. There’s a world of possibility out there for you to explore and Avenue Women’s Center would love to help you recognize it. Our caring consultants will offer you the space to process your options and assist you in learning how to craft a life you love that can withstand even unexpected pregnancy.

Call, chat, email, or text to schedule your first consultation with us!


The information provided here is general in nature.  It is not a substitute for a consultation with a medical professional. Before any medical procedure, it is imperative that you discuss your personal medical history, risks, and concerns with your doctor. If you have questions during or after a procedure, your doctor should be immediately contacted. Avenue Women’s Center is not an emergency center.  If you are experiencing severe symptoms, such as bleeding and/or pain, seek immediate medical attention.  Contact your physician, go to an emergency room, or call 911.