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Things to Do Before Scheduling an Abortion Appointment

Learning about an unexpected pregnancy can make it seem as if your whole life has suddenly changed in a single moment. You may have gone through the process of deciding on the pregnancy option of abortion. Or, you may be still considering what to do and are wondering what steps you should take next. Regardless of what you decide, arming yourself with information about the different types of procedures and other knowledge can be useful. But in a world full of information and opinions, determining what may be true and what may be false can be challenging. What do you need to do first before scheduling an abortion appointment or finalizing your pregnancy decision? And where can you turn for help?

Have you recently discovered you’re pregnant? Are you wondering where to go from here? Avenue Women’s has six different locations in DuPage County, and we’re here to work with you as you think about your choices. Our caring staff can walk you through the steps of taking a free, medical-grade pregnancy test to confirm your home results. We’ll sit down with you afterward to answer any questions you may have about your options. Listening to your concerns, we can supply you with accurate information about surgical and non-surgical abortions, as well as potential alternatives.

Contact us today for help navigating through the decision-making process!

Thinking About Your Unexpected Pregnancy Decisions

When faced with sudden news, there may be pressure to seek an immediate resolution to your situation. While an unexpected pregnancy can feel overwhelming, try to take a deep breath. Before you move forward with a decision, it’s usually a good idea to wait until you’ve given yourself time to assess your circumstances and think.

Making a choice about your pregnancy can be a personal experience. You may want to take a moment to reflect on what you feel will benefit you. As you research your options, there’s nothing wrong with reaching out to resources like a counselor or a pregnancy consultant for assistance. This way, you can talk openly about any concerns you may have, weighing the pros and cons behind abortion and its alternatives.

If you’re pregnant and considering abortion, figuring out what steps you may want to take next can be hard. As you communicate with a helpful professional, you can begin to ask questions about what sorts of things you may need to do first in order to prioritize your health in this decision.

How Far Along Am I, and Is the Pregnancy Viable?

About 1 in every 5 to 6 pregnancies end in a miscarriage. This typically occurs within the first trimester. Sometimes, it may also happen where a fertilized egg implants itself outside of your uterus. Called ectopic pregnancy, this often requires medical treatment in order to have it removed. Once you’ve confirmed that you’re pregnant, it’s usually a good idea to schedule an ultrasound exam so these potential health risks can be diagnosed as soon as possible.

The gestational age of your pregnancy is often relevant to the types of abortion procedures you’re eligible for. Depending on how far along you are, you may need to undergo a surgical abortion. This may be something to discuss with a doctor or some other pregnancy expert, as learning more about each procedure can help you evaluate your choice.

What Is the Difference Between a Surgical and Non-Surgical Abortion?

Medical Abortion:

Sometimes referred to as RU-486, this often comes in the form of two pills, mifepristone and misoprostol. Women typically take the first dose to discontinue the pregnancy by blocking a hormone known as progesterone. The second dose may be taken a few hours later. It generally brings on contractions to expel the uterine content. A medical abortion usually does not require surgery. But in the event that the abortion is incomplete, you may need to undergo a surgical procedure to finish it.

Surgical Abortion:

There’s often more than one type of surgical abortion. You may have heard of the vacuum aspiration, which may involve removing the pregnancy through suction. But depending on gestational age, you may undergo a dilation and evacuation. This may involve anesthesia as a provider removes the uterine content through the use of forceps after dilating your cervix.

Who Can I Talk to About My Abortion Decision?

Try to remember you are not alone as you consider the different types of abortion procedures and gather information about your health. It can be stressful to research and contemplate all of these things by yourself. That’s why it’s recommended you seek help from a nonjudgmental resource. There may be a lot of conflicting emotions swirling through you right now. And it may be a good idea to talk everything out with a sympathetic listener who can also supply you with the information you may need.

Are you looking for assistance when it comes to evaluating your abortion decision? Avenue Women’s Center is here to offer confidential care and support. With a free, limited ultrasound exam, you’ll receive information regarding early pregnancy risks and gestational age. Our expert staff will work with you to ensure you have answers to your questions. Through your private consultation session, we’ll guide you through your options and help you learn more about each one.

Schedule your free appointment with us today!



Reviewed by Patricia Kuenzi, APN-CNP, MSN, ANP, PNP.

The information provided here is general in nature.  It is not a substitute for a consultation with a medical professional. Before any medical procedure, it is imperative that you discuss your personal medical history, risks, and concerns with your doctor. If you have questions during or after a procedure, your doctor should be immediately contacted. Avenue Women’s Center is not an emergency center.  If you are experiencing severe symptoms, such as bleeding and/or pain, seek immediate medical attention.  Contact your physician, go to an emergency room, or call 911.