Sometimes our imaginations get the best of us and run rampant with worry in a stressful situation. Panic and anxiety can take over and flood our minds with the worst possible scenarios. This can happen to many women experiencing unexpected pregnancies and considering abortion. Are your thoughts running wild with all the possibilities of an abortion? Where can you turn for help as you make a decision?
At Avenue Women’s Center, we understand that unexpected pregnancies can be difficult to navigate. For nearly 40 years we’ve helped women in the Chicagoland area take the first steps of their pregnancy decisions with accurate and reliable information about each of their options, including abortion. Contact us today for your free options consultation at any of our five locations!
Thoughts Running Wild with an Abortion Possibility
I have laid wide awake many nights during tough times. My body might be exhausted and fatigued, but my mind seems to have plenty of energy to race around a mental track of concern. Round and round it goes in each lane of the track, cycling through every possibility until the race is finally over and sleep comes. The problem solver within does not let me relax until I’ve gone through every imaginable issue and found what I think is the best solution.
Many women feel similar in challenging or unexpected pregnancy situations. They might wrestle with their options, thinking about all the different scenarios that could result from parenting, adoption, or abortion. Abortion can sometimes be the most difficult to consider for a variety of personal, financial, or circumstantial reasons. Even when abortion feels like your best option, your thoughts could still be running wild with possibility. Calming down and figuring out if abortion is right for you can feel unattainable —especially if you haven’t shared your pregnancy news yet.
Finding Help as You Decide About Abortion
Many women keep their racing thoughts about abortion to themselves, feeling alone in their concerns. Maybe they think their concerns are too far-fetched for anyone to understand, or too specific to their individual situations to be completely understood. They might be afraid to speak up for fear of judgment, or worried others might influence their decision with their thoughts and feelings. It can take courage to find help as you decide about abortion, but it can also be beneficial to making a choice you can feel good about.
Taming wild thoughts with information. Sometimes our wildest concerns are about the unknown. You might already know some general information about abortion, but you’re not sure how it could affect you personally. Are your biggest concerns health related? Do you wonder how an abortion might affect you physically? What are the potential short-term and long-term risks involved? How might you feel emotionally after an abortion? What kinds of things can you learn now that will help you as you decide? Educate yourself on abortion questions like these and more with information from reliable and unbiased sources.
Taking the next steps of your decision. With so many strong opinions about abortion out there, it can be difficult to know where to turn for nonjudgmental and compassionate help. Who could possibly understand your unique thoughts running wild? How can you explain your concerns to someone else if you aren’t sure about them yourself? You might have mixed emotions about the possibility of abortion, or thoughts that flip back and forth between your options. Take the next steps of your decision by reaching out to a pregnancy center nearest you and get the unbiased and caring help you need to make an informed decision.
Find a safe and nonjudgmental space to express your pregnancy decision concerns at Avenue Women’s Center. Answer your individual and personal questions about abortion with an expert pregnancy consultant who cares about helping you make an informed decision. Learn accurate and reliable information about abortion and abortion alternatives in a private, confidential, and compassionate environment during your free options consultation. Call, text, chat, or email us today to set up your appointment!
The information provided here is general in nature. It is not a substitute for a consultation with a medical professional. Before any medical procedure, it is imperative that you discuss your personal medical history, risks, and concerns with your doctor. If you have questions during or after a procedure, your doctor should be immediately contacted. Avenue Women’s Center is not an emergency center. If you are experiencing severe symptoms, such as bleeding and/or pain, seek immediate medical attention. Contact your physician, go to an emergency room, or call 911.