Uncertainty is one of those uncomfortable emotions that almost no one enjoys experiencing. It confuses our thoughts, fills us with doubt, and makes us worry about what’s to come. Uncertainty can be especially troubling if you’re facing a pregnancy decision and unsure about your options. You might be uncertain about abortion, adoption, or parenting, and looking for help as you try to decide.
If you or someone you know is unexpectedly pregnant, seek help in your decision at Avenue Women’s Center. With nearly 40 years of experience helping women, we understand that the unexpected can often lead to uncertainty. Our free services include medical-grade tests to confirm your pregnancy and private consultations to go over all of your options. Learn more about parenting, adoption, and abortion from our expert staff who care about providing you with accurate and nonjudgmental information. Contact us today for a free appointment at one of our five DuPage County centers!
Pressures of Uncertainty
There might be a lot of reasons you aren’t certain about the next steps of your pregnancy decision and thinking about abortion. You doubt your ability to parent at this stage of your life due to practical, emotional, health, or relationship hardships. Your partner might be set on choosing abortion while you are still thinking about all of your options. Your family and friends offer differing viewpoints about what’s best for your situation. Any number of internal and external pressures could make it difficult to find clarity in your decision, leaving you in a cloud of confusion and mixed thoughts about your next steps. Do you become a parent or make an adoption plan? Do you have an abortion?
Uncertainty can be a strong emotion that influences our choices. It can make us feel anxious and rushed to make a decision. It can cause stress within our minds and our bodies, adding to an already stressful situation. You might want to run and hide from this unsure haze. Where did it come from? You certainly didn’t invite it inside your thoughts! You wish it would just go away and let you make a pregnancy decision with clarity. But how can you move forward with uncertainty tugging at your options?
Responding to Pressures of Uncertainty
All of this uncertainty sounds very similar to another strong emotion—fear. If you’re unexpectedly pregnant and uncertain about abortion, fear might be playing a part. You could be scared about certain aspects involved with each pregnancy option, and fearful that you’ll make a decision you don’t feel completely right about. It’s important to recognize the varying reasons that might be causing your uncertainty, and how you can find ways to respond to possible pressures they’re adding to your decision.
You might feel the urge to push against feeling unsure, compelled to find the answer to your pregnancy decision quickly. Yet, among this pressure of uncertainty can be an opportunity to say “maybe” as you weigh your options. Challenge yourself to embrace your uncertainty and face whatever fears lie within it. Take a moment to be still in the midst of your decision, allowing yourself to find quiet among the noise of uncertainty. It’s okay if you don’t have it all figured out right now. It’s also okay to take time to fully consider your options and how each one could look for you personally. However, keep in mind that your options are often affected by how far along your pregnancy is, especially when considering abortion.
As you face your pregnancy decision, know that the choice is ultimately yours to make. Whether you’re leaning towards parenting, adoption, or abortion, the outcome will affect you most directly. Empower yourself to make an informed decision you can feel good about by learning more about each pregnancy option.
When you’re feeling unsure, it often involves a lot of questions and concerns. Find the answers to your unique pregnancy option questions at Avenue Women’s Center. We offer free pregnancy tests and confidential consultations to address each woman’s personalized concerns. We care about supporting you in a pregnancy decision with reliable and nonjudgmental information about each of your options, including abortion. Our goal is to meet your individual needs as you make a pregnancy decision you can feel certain about. Call, text, chat, or email us for your free appointment today!
The information provided here is general in nature. It is not a substitute for a consultation with a medical professional. Before any medical procedure, it is imperative that you discuss your personal medical history, risks, and concerns with your doctor. If you have questions during or after a procedure, your doctor should be immediately contacted. Avenue Women’s Center is not an emergency center. If you are experiencing severe symptoms, such as bleeding and/or pain, seek immediate medical attention. Contact your physician, go to an emergency room, or call 911.