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“Under Pressure from My Parents to Get an Abortion”

Are your parents pressuring you to end an unexpected pregnancy?  Being hassled by parents (or anyone else) to choose abortion (or any other pregnancy option) can be difficult for many reasons.  Outside pressure may be triggering confusion about what you want for your pregnancy outcome.  It may be causing you to believe that your options are more limited than they actually are, or that you have less autonomy over this choice than you actually do.  Pressure can also make family relationships more complicated to navigate- as if an unexpected pregnancy wasn’t complex and stressful enough.  Know that you’re not alone.  Caring support is within reach.  You don’t have to make this pregnancy decision feeling backed into a corner.

At Avenue Women’s Center, we strive to empower individuals of all ages who are facing circumstances like yours. No matter how your parents react, you’ll receive neutral and compassionate care at any of our five clinics.  Avenue has been a trusted provider of early pregnancy support for over 40 years! Our expert team is passionate about equipping individuals with the information they need to pursue their own best outcomes.

Learn about our free and confidential first-step pregnancy services!

Pressuring is Never Okay

Not all parents pressure their kids to choose a specific pregnancy option.  However, for some families (including families with adult children), this dynamic is very real.  If this blog caught your attention, you probably believe that your family fits into this second category.  Whatever your parents’ motivations may be, whether they seem to be pressuring you on purpose or not, it’s never okay for someone else to strongarm you into doing what they want.  Especially not when the choice belongs to you and will affect you more than anyone else.

Legal Factors: A Baseline Understanding

Guidelines surrounding abortion access and parental involvement for minors have become very complicated in recent years.  However, coercing someone into having an abortion is never acceptable under any circumstances.  According to The Justice Foundation, “Forcing a woman to have an abortion, including a minor, is illegal in all 50 states.”  The website goes on to say, “Even under Roe v. Wade, the decision to keep the child was the woman’s alone, so a woman’s rights are being violated when they are coerced, unduly pressured, or forced into an unwanted abortion… even in states where abortion is legal.”

There’s a fine line between nudging someone towards a particular outcome and pressuring them in an inappropriate or coercive way.  It’s important to evaluate objectively where your own parents are coming from, and to stand up for your rights whenever necessary.  You have the freedom and ability to make your own decisions regarding your reproductive healthcare.

*As stated previously, abortion legality in the U.S. has become increasingly complex.  Be sure to check your state’s guidelines if you’re considering an abortion.  If you’re a minor, also check your state’s requirements regarding parental notification and consent.  Avenue Women’s Center is not a provider of legal services.  The information in this blog should not be interpreted as legal advice.

How Can Avenue Women’s Center Help?

Avenue is a safe place to get neutral information about your unique pregnancy, your pregnancy options, and your available resources.  We believe that every person needs a few important tools to make her best possible pregnancy decision: reliable facts, genuine support, and time to process which path is right for her.  All of these are accessible at Avenue.  We’re a pressure-free and judgment-free space.  In our experience, most women feel more vulnerable and less prepared to make a strong pregnancy decision when they’re coping with outside pressure.  We’re here to work against those effects by empowering you, so you can make this choice as the healthiest and most confident version of yourself.

*If you’re a minor, check out our blog, “Legally, Do I Have to Tell My Parents I’m Pregnant?”

*If you’re interested in having a healthy conversation with your parents about your pregnancy, check out our blog, “Unexpectedly Pregnant: How to Have an Authentic Conversation with Parents.”

For most individuals, navigating an unexpected pregnancy with parents is challenging.  Perhaps you depend on your family to meet specific needs, and they’re sending signals (whether clear or implied) that they would withhold their support if you chose adoption or parenting.  You may or may not feel like some of your family members are taking advantage of your reliance on them.  This can be hurtful and anxiety-provoking.  Avenue is here to help you take healthy steps with your parents if you wish to, and equip you for an informed pregnancy decision no matter what.  You may not have control over your family’s reaction to your pregnancy.  But you do have power over your own- and you have what it takes to identify and pursue the best path for you.

Reach out to Avenue Women’s Center today!  We fully respect women’s autonomy.  And we’re here to support you emotionally no matter what.



The Justice Foundation.  Center Against Forced Abortions (CAFA).  Retrieved from:

The information provided here is general in nature.  It is not a substitute for a consultation with a medical professional. Before any medical procedure, it is imperative that you discuss your personal medical history, risks, and concerns with your doctor. If you have questions during or after a procedure, your doctor should be immediately contacted. Avenue Women’s Center is not an emergency center.  If you are experiencing severe symptoms, such as bleeding and/or pain, seek immediate medical attention.  Contact your physician, go to an emergency room, or call 911.