Are you facing an unexpected pregnancy by someone other than your partner, for the second (or third, or fourth…) time? This pregnancy may have resulted from an encounter with a date, a friend, or someone else you’re not in a committed romantic relationship with. Your present S.O. may or may not be the same person you’ve navigated these circumstances with before. You’re probably feeling frustrated with your overall circumstances, and possibly with yourself, no matter the particulars of your story. Know that you’re not in this alone.
Avenue Women’s Center is here for you. We’re a first-step pregnancy center with six locations in Chicagoland, Illinois, and we’re available to support you during this difficult season of life. Avenue offers free early pregnancy services to help women make confident, informed decisions and discover their own best outcomes.
Learn more about our no-cost, confidential services!
Learning from the Past
Maybe you decided after your first unexpected pregnancy that you’d be more careful going forward. Maybe getting pregnant again has triggered feelings of discouragement and disappointment. Of course, it can be disheartening to go through the same emotionally painful life experience twice. But it can also be helpful to recognize that your past experiences are present opportunities to positively influence your future. You’ve walked this road before. You know what it’s like. Consider all the small and significant choices you made the last time you faced these circumstances. How did those decisions make you feel in the moment and later on? What aspects of your previous pregnancy journey do you feel at peace with? What do you wish you’d done differently? Let these experiences inform your next steps, so you can feel equipped to pursue a positive outcome, whether or not you have regrets from your past unexpected pregnancy.
Learning About the Pregnancy
It may take some time to process your situation. You may need to do some self-reflection, grow your support network, and engage in some deeper conversations to discover which pregnancy option is right for you during this season of life. But first, begin your decision-making process by getting reliable facts about the pregnancy. Consider taking these important steps.
- Confirm the pregnancy by taking a highly accurate confirmation pregnancy test.
- Find out how far along you are by getting an ultrasound. The gestational age will affect which specific pregnancy options you’re eligible for.
- Assess the viability of the pregnancy and determine the possibility of miscarriage (the pregnancy ending on its own) by getting an ultrasound.
- Locate the pregnancy by getting an ultrasound. If your pregnancy is located outside the uterus, this would be considered an ectopic pregnancy. An ectopic pregnancy is a dangerous, high-risk situation that requires immediate medical attention outside of an abortion.
- Learn about your available options (abortion, adoption, and parenting). Each comes with unique processes, risks, and benefits. The more informed you are, the better equipped you’ll be to make your own best decision when the time is right.
- Learn about your available resources. Many communities offer a wide variety of resources to help community members thrive, especially when they’re facing disadvantages or hard times. Your community may offer resources to empower you. These could positively impact your pregnancy outcome and your future in general.
Avenue Women’s Center offers all these services at no cost! We provide medical-grade pregnancy tests, options consultations, and limited medical ultrasounds to help women access critical early pregnancy information.
If you don’t have a healthy support system, it’s crucial to build one that extends beyond your partner and the person you’re pregnant by. This will be key to coping with challenging days and decisions ahead. The details of your situation may be difficult to share, but you can trust our caring staff at Avenue Women’s Center. We’re committed to empowering you with accurate information and emotional support in a relaxed and confidential setting!
Call, text, chat, or email to speak with an expert team member and schedule an appointment!
The information provided here is general in nature. It is not a substitute for a consultation with a medical professional. Before any medical procedure, it is imperative that you discuss your personal medical history, risks, and concerns with your doctor. If you have questions during or after a procedure, your doctor should be immediately contacted. Avenue Women’s Center is not an emergency center. If you are experiencing severe symptoms, such as bleeding and/or pain, seek immediate medical attention. Contact your physician, go to an emergency room, or call 911.