Nobody plans for an unexpected pregnancy. Sure, a person can acknowledge the possibility of one and try to prevent it. But the nature of an unexpected pregnancy is that it’s- well- unexpected. For some of us, this can be one of the most uncomfortable aspects of the entire situation. Maybe the unexpectedness of your pregnancy is motivating you to consider abortion. Maybe you tend to have a tough time accepting unpredictable circumstances. You’re in good company, if so! This one goes out to you.
Chances are, this pregnancy experience has already pushed you way beyond the limits of your comfort zone. Our caring team at Avenue Women’s Center gets it. We’re a first-step pregnancy center that’s passionate about equipping women with the information and support they need to make informed, empowered pregnancy decisions.
Discover our free and confidential early pregnancy services and learn more about Avenue!
“I’m a Planner.”
If you’re considering abortion because you didn’t see this pregnancy coming, you may consider yourself a planner. Most of us possess this overall positive personality trait to some degree. Your desire to prepare for upcoming challenges is normal and healthy. Perhaps it’s allowed you to overcome obstacles and achieve meaningful goals in your life. As you face this pregnancy decision, your instinct may be to do everything in your power to make your circumstances go back to the way they were before the pregnancy. You probably felt better prepared for your future back then, even if you weren’t fully aware of this at the time.
A Complex Decision
Abortion is an option that many women feel drawn to because it seems like the most direct route back to normalcy and control. They believe their circumstances will feel manageable again once there’s no longer a pregnancy. However, if your goal is to orchestrate your circumstances so it feels like this pregnancy never happened, you’re likely going to face disappointment. Making a pregnancy decision is more complex than this. Each of your options (abortion, adoption, and parenting) is a significant choice that involves medical processes and risks. Each comes with potential consequences for your physical and emotional well-being. It’s important to understand this and to acknowledge that pregnancy outcomes don’t always go as predicted. That’s why it’s always wise to engage in a thoughtful decision-making process, no matter which way you’re leaning.
Creating a Plan
Your planning skills can easily be applied to your decision-making process. The best way to begin is by finding reliable information about your pregnancy, your options, and available resources. This will equip you to make a truly knowledgeable choice. Breaking the decision-making process down into bite-sized pieces will also help you absorb your circumstances gradually and make more conscious decisions. Avenue is here to support you every step of the way. Consider following these steps (in no particular order).
- Learn about your pregnancy. A limited medical ultrasound like the ones we provide at Avenue can tell you, 1) how far along you are (so you know which abortion option(s) you’re eligible for), 2) the viability of the pregnancy (whether or not it’s likely to continue on its own), and 3) where the pregnancy is located (so you can know to seek immediate medical attention if the pregnancy is outside of the uterus).
- Learn about your options. As mentioned before, all your pregnancy options (abortion, adoption, and parenting) involve processes, risks, and benefits. Learning the ins and outs of all of them will help you to make a well-informed and well-rounded decision. Our team is available to process all of this by your side.
- Learn about your available resources. Most communities offer a variety of resources to help their community members thrive. For example, the Chicagoland area offers free and low-cost resources to assist with housing, health care, finances, education, material goods. and more. Knowing what’s available could only come with benefits, no matter which pregnancy option(s) you’re considering or where your path leads. Avenue can help you access this information, which may be critical to your decision-making process and your well-being in general.
When it comes to making a pregnancy decision, there’s no one way to take back your autonomy. Every person’s story and set of circumstances is unique. We all have individual desires, instincts, values, and beliefs that influence which pregnancy outcomes are best for us. Contemplating all of these factors in your own life could be key to choosing a path you can look back on with confidence.
Reach out to Avenue Women’s Center! Our expert staff members are available to meet you with empathy and professionalism.
The information provided here is general in nature. It is not a substitute for a consultation with a medical professional. Before any medical procedure, it is imperative that you discuss your personal medical history, risks, and concerns with your doctor. If you have questions during or after a procedure, your doctor should be immediately contacted. Avenue Women’s Center is not an emergency center. If you are experiencing severe symptoms, such as bleeding and/or pain, seek immediate medical attention. Contact your physician, go to an emergency room, or call 911.