An unexpected pregnancy can be a complex situation to process on a personal level and within the context of family relationships. Maybe you’re managing an unexpected pregnancy, and struggling to navigate these circumstances alongside your loved ones. Your family may have been through an experience like this before. Perhaps your mom, sister, or another relative had a similar story of her own. And you’re scared of “ending up” like her. The path that she has taken (and the place where it has led) may be starting to influence your own decision-making process, for better or for worse.
A choice for abortion, adoption, or parenting is significant. And lots of different factors (like the feelings, opinions, and experiences of your loved ones) are bound to have an impact. That’s why it’s important to navigate your pregnancy journey with care. Take time to gather all the information and support you need to equip yourself for the best outcome possible. Avenue Women’s Center is here for you in that process.
Learn more about Avenue’s free first-step pregnancy services! We’re a limited medical clinic specializing in early pregnancy services. It’s our goal to help equip you for a truly informed decision.
Your Pregnancy Journey Is Your Own
Have you watched a family member go through an unexpected pregnancy, and seen how this experience has led to difficult consequences in her life? Some of these long-term outcomes may have resulted from decisions that she made along her own pregnancy journey. Perhaps she chose to parent and consequently faced financial stress. Or, she chose abortion and questioned if this was the right decision later on.
It’s natural to compare your family member’s situation to your own and wonder if similar choices on your part would lead to similar consequences. Know that there can be value in understanding and learning from your loved ones’ life experiences. If your family member feels comfortable talking about her unexpected pregnancy, you might consider asking her what this experience was like and what she would or wouldn’t take back if she could. She may feel good about passing her wisdom along. It’s also important to remember that your pregnancy journey is your own. Your best outcome may be different than hers. Even if you end up making the same pregnancy decision (for abortion, adoption, or parenting), your experience will be unique.
“How Can I Make the Pregnancy Decision That’s Right for Me?”
Considering the experiences of others can definitely be useful, but it’s important to keep a balanced perspective. Take the time that you need to process your unique situation and carefully explore which pregnancy decision is right for you. Here are some practical steps you can take to move in that direction.
- Learn about your pregnancy. An ultrasound may offer information that’s useful to know before moving forward with any pregnancy decision, like 1) where the pregnancy is located (to ensure your own health and safety), 2) your chances of miscarriage, and 3) how far along you are (which will influence which options you’re eligible for).
- Learn about your options. Knowing the ins and outs of all three pregnancy options will give you a big-picture perspective as you process which one is best for you and begin to pursue it. You may learn new pieces of information that end up making an important difference in your decision-making process. It never hurts to be more knowledgeable about the alternatives available to you.
- Learn about your available resources. Many communities offer an abundance of resources to help community members thrive. Some of these may empower you to lean into the pregnancy decision that you determine to be best.
Avenue Women’s Center can provide or help you to access all of these services. We’re a safe space to process your feelings about your unexpected pregnancy, free of any judgment or pressure. We respect your autonomy completely and believe that you’re fully capable of discovering and embracing the outcome that’s best for you.
Reach out to learn more about our services and ask us your questions!
The information provided here is general in nature. It is not a substitute for a consultation with a medical professional. Before any medical procedure, it is imperative that you discuss your personal medical history, risks, and concerns with your doctor. If you have questions during or after a procedure, your doctor should be immediately contacted. Avenue Women’s Center is not an emergency center. If you are experiencing severe symptoms, such as bleeding and/or pain, seek immediate medical attention. Contact your physician, go to an emergency room, or call 911.