For me, summertime is a mix of happiness and struggle. My allergies make it hard to breathe outside. And as a person who is usually always warm, I look like a literal hot mess in steamy months. I cope with these discomforts to enjoy one of my favorite things—hiking in nature. Sometimes the paths I have to choose from all seem pretty difficult and I wonder, “What did I just get myself into? What’s the best option forward? How am I going to face this challenge?” Many women often ask themselves questions like these when facing an unexpected pregnancy. How do navigate your best option when you’re wandering in a pregnancy decision?
Are you experiencing an unexpected pregnancy with uncertainty about your options? Find help at Avenue Women’s Center! We provide free pregnancy consultations tailored to your unique needs with nonjudgmental and accurate information about each of your options. Learn more about parenting, adoption, or abortion from compassionate and knowledgeable experts. Reach out to us today for your free appointment at any of our five DuPage County locations!
Signs While You Decide About an Unexpected Pregnancy
There are often mile markers and directional signs along hiking trails. They let me know where I’m at along my journey and guide me where I need to go next. Most of the time, I can see them clearly and a rush of relief washes over me as I think, “It’s just a little bit more to go. I can do this!” Other times, bushes and plants might make these markers impossible to see and I miss them altogether. When this happens, I feel like I’m hiking blindly along the path. I’m extra cautious, and even scared, of the unknown ahead. My steps become uncertain and my legs nervously wobble. Will the path become too treacherous to follow? Did I plan ahead enough and prepare adequately? What if I chose the wrong way?
An unexpected pregnancy decision can be a similar experience. You might be filled with doubt, fear, panic, stress, and anxiety as you worry about your next steps. Unlike a hiking trail, there are no clear signs pointing you towards the direction of your best option. You’re in unchartered territory, and it can be a challenging time. However, there might be less evident signs to help you decide. What concerns you most about each pregnancy option of parenting, adoption, or abortion? Are you familiar with adoption plan options in your area? What are the different types of abortion procedures that might be available to you? How could you overcome potential challenges of parenting with local resources and referrals?
Following Your Own Path to a Pregnancy Decision
Tough journeys take time … Not every hiking path is relaxing and serene. Sometimes I need to pause and catch my breath—especially on a steep uphill climb. I know if I rush through it I won’t just miss nature’s beauty, I will be likely to misstep and injure myself. As I take a water break, my body rejuvenates and my mind refreshes. The journey can be challenging, and these rest periods are vital. The same can be true with an unexpected pregnancy decision. You may feel pressure to decide quickly in hard circumstances. While your pregnancy options are affected by how far along you are, there is often plenty of time to pause and give yourself the chance to think carefully about what feels right to you.
Making your own way … I’ve climbed many rocky paths with exhausted feet and sweat pouring out from me. In these moments I sometimes wish I wasn’t alone and someone was there to tell me what to do. Yet, once I reach the top and look back at the difficult trail I just conquered, I take immense pride in how I got through it. I made my own way forward, and it lets me know I can handle much more. You might be wondering how you’re going to handle things if you’re uncertain about your pregnancy options. Your partner or your loved ones might have their own feelings and thoughts, but this is a decision that ultimately affects you most. Make your own way through it to decide on a pregnancy option that you can feel good about.
Learn accurate and reliable information about your pregnancy options at Avenue Women’s Center. Our free pregnancy consultations provide a confidential and private space to address your unique questions and concerns with our expert staff. Our nonjudgmental and compassionate experts are knowledgeable in adoption plan options, abortion procedures and risks, as well as community resources and referrals for parenting. We care about helping you navigate your next steps to make an informed pregnancy decision you can feel confident in. If you feel like you’re wandering in a pregnancy decision, contact us today and find your path forward!
The information provided here is general in nature. It is not a substitute for a consultation with a medical professional. Before any medical procedure, it is imperative that you discuss your personal medical history, risks, and concerns with your doctor. If you have questions during or after a procedure, your doctor should be immediately contacted. Avenue Women’s Center is not an emergency center. If you are experiencing severe symptoms, such as bleeding and/or pain, seek immediate medical attention. Contact your physician, go to an emergency room, or call 911.