Breaking up with someone often involves a range of emotions. These feelings may come in various stages. And adjusting to this new change can be a challenge for some women. The sentiments that you may feel after ending a relationship may be similar to what is often felt after learning about an unexpected pregnancy. This may not have been something you pictured happening. And there may be frustration and confusion when it comes to determining what you should do next. Processing a breakup and pregnancy news at the same time can be difficult. Instead of trying to handle this on your own, is there someone you can reach out to for help?
If you recently broke up with your boyfriend and are concerned you may be pregnant, you’ve come to the right place. Avenue Women’s Center is here to provide relevant services and compassionate support at each of our six DuPage County clinics. Receive reliable information about abortion, adoption, and parenting in a private consultation with our caring staff.
Contact us today for guidance through the decision-making process!
Coping With Your Emotions After a Breakup
A relationship ending just as you learned about a pregnancy can be stressful. The combination of these events can feel like a hard blow, but you don’t have to navigate this situation alone. There’s no shame in reaching out for assistance. In fact, acknowledging that you may need guidance from another resource is typically a sign of healthy self-awareness.
You may want to reach out to a friend, a family member, or even a professional, such as a counselor or a pregnancy consultant. Before you think about how to move forward with a decision, it may be best to take a little time to yourself. You may be grieving the loss of your past relationship. And it’s okay to give yourself a moment to process these complicated feelings.
The period following a breakup is usually when your emotions are at their highest. This may not be the best time to make major decisions about your pregnancy. There may be a sense of panic and an urgency to act fast. But it’s recommended you take the time to think through the pros and cons behind each of your options. An unexpected pregnancy can be life-changing. And allowing yourself to reflect can help you find the choice that will benefit you the most.
Assessing Your Health
Dietary Health
Breakups can make us feel saddened or angered. Each woman tends to have her own way of coping. This may involve eating sweet foods, such as ice cream, candy, or cookies, or some women may lose their appetite and not want to eat at all. Even if you are considering abortion, monitoring your physical condition throughout the pregnancy can be important.
It may be tempting to reach for comfort foods in times of stress. While it’s usually okay to indulge a little in those sweet treats, you may want to be careful about having too many. Certain foods take longer to digest. So, instead of giving you energy, these foods can deplete it if they’re high in saturated fat, sodium, or sugar.
Your diet can have an impact on your mood. And the same thing applies to if you’re not eating much at all. The foods you eat can help you feel less run-down. So you may want to consider eating things like bananas, apples, yogurt, oranges, or strawberries.
Pregnancy Health
In addition, you may want to schedule an ultrasound exam so you can be screened for any early pregnancy complications, such as a miscarriage or an ectopic pregnancy. It’s recommended you arrange for this appointment as soon as possible. The sooner these conditions can be detected, the sooner you can seek any necessary medical treatment.
Emotional Health
Emotionally, if you feel as if you’re having trouble coping with the end of a relationship, then you may want to discuss these feelings with a trained counselor. An unexpected pregnancy can be an intimate and emotional experience. And rallying a network of support behind you that can offer encouragement can be an important step.
Are you struggling with your pregnancy news after recently going through a breakup? Avenue Women’s Center understands each woman’s situation is unique. And we are here to address your individual needs. Our caring staff can lighten your stress by providing you with relevant updates about your health through a free, limited ultrasound exam. We will also sit down with you and assist you with navigating through all of your potential decisions, such as abortion, adoption, and parenting. During what may be a challenging period, we want you to know that you are not alone.
Schedule your free appointment with us today!
healthline. (2017, December). 27 Foods That Can Give You More. Retrieved from: https://www.healthline.com/nutrition/energy-boosting-foods
The information provided here is general in nature. It is not a substitute for a consultation with a medical professional. Before any medical procedure, it is imperative that you discuss your personal medical history, risks, and concerns with your doctor. If you have questions during or after a procedure, your doctor should be immediately contacted. Avenue Women’s Center is not an emergency center. If you are experiencing severe symptoms, such as bleeding and/or pain, seek immediate medical attention. Contact your physician, go to an emergency room, or call 911.