Never has there been an unplanned pregnancy decision that didn’t involve some combination of pros and cons. When faced with your own decision between continuing or terminating a pregnancy, it is important to give yourself every advantage for making your best decision.
What is the best next step for you? We hope it will include Avenue Women’s Center. We specialize in educating and supporting women as they navigate unplanned pregnancy decisions. For more information, please call or text us today.
What is the best decision for you? Only you can determine that. The cost of abortion / parenting involves finances, emotions, relationships, and more. And only you can weigh which costs take priority. As you begin to process your pros and cons, many women find it easier to list out their beliefs about continuing a pregnancy. It is sometimes more challenging to define beliefs about terminating a pregnancy.
Factors to consider when determining if an abortion is right for you include but are not limited to:
- Which method(s) do you qualify for: medication abortion or surgical abortion?
- What are the risks associated with each method?
- What is the cost of abortion?
- What are the possible long term emotional/psychological ramifications after an abortion?
- Who is supporting you as you make this decision?
- Does your decision to have an abortion line up with your morals/values?
- Will you regret having an abortion?
We list those factors, hoping they will be useful as you begin weighing your pros and cons of abortion. But we also hope you will not face your decision alone. Truly, each pregnancy advocate at Avenue Women’s Center is here because women are important to us. We believe that every woman deserves to receive nonjudgmental support as she navigates her pregnancy decision, and we would like to provide that support to you.
To discuss these questions and more in a free, private consultation, call Avenue Women’s Center today. We have five clinics located in Elmhurst, Glen Ellyn / Lombard, Naperville, West Chicago, and Wood Dale, Illinois. We look forward to supporting you through this decision and helping you determine if abortion is right for you.
The information provided here is general in nature. It is not a substitute for a consultation with a medical professional. Before any medical procedure, it is imperative that you discuss your personal medical history, risks, and concerns with your doctor. If you have questions during or after a procedure, your doctor should be immediately contacted. Avenue Women’s Center is not an emergency center. If you are experiencing severe symptoms, such as bleeding and/or pain, seek immediate medical attention. Contact your physician, go to an emergency room, or call 911.