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Free Pregnancy Consultations West Chicago

Work is underway at the site of the future Avenue Women’s Center West Chicago office! Today we sat down with team member Beth to get a behind-the-scenes look at what goes into opening a new office.

Are you facing an unintended pregnancy? If you have questions about your situation and pregnancy options, or if you are interested in scheduling a free pregnancy consultation, please contact us today. Our West Chicago office is still under construction, but other nearby Chicagoland locations are open, and we would be glad to assist you. Beth, thanks for joining us today. Could you briefly explain what Avenue Women’s Center provides?

Beth: A major service Avenue Women’s Center provides is free pregnancy tests with private pregnancy consultations to any Chicagoland woman. The pregnancy consultation can be used by a woman to talk about how the pregnancy (if the test is positive) would impact her life — her plans, education, relationships, families—with a neutral person. And our pregnancy consultants have information about all the different options she might be thinking of, so if she is ready to talk about what it might look like to get an abortion or continue the pregnancy, she can do that.

PH: So why West Chicago?

Beth: We looked at a map and saw a hole in the west and northwest part of the county! We want to be close and accessible, and out here in the suburbs people don’t want to drive to get what they need. We have the eastern part of the county pretty well covered with the offices in Elmhurst, Glen Ellyn / Lombard, and Wood Dale, but on the west side there is only the Naperville office, which is pretty far south. So the West Chicago office will fill a need for access to free services for women in western and northwestern DuPage, including Warrenville, Winfield, Batavia, Geneva, and St Charles.

PH: What goes into planning a new location?

Beth: One thing we look for is a site that will be easy to find and easy to get to. We are thrilled to be located close to where Roosevelt Rd and Route 59 intersect. We want to have good visibility, since we’ve found that if people see us as they’re driving around they know how to find us when or if the need arises. And since Roosevelt and Route 59 are high-traffic, familiar roads though many suburbs, it can feel less intimidating to those who are less familiar with West Chicago.

PH: Have you faced any unusual challenges in preparing to open this office?

Beth: Actually, things have gone really smoothly. We’ve been perfecting our formula each time we open an office, so we knew how to create a space that is welcoming and calming, as well as private. For instance, similar to our Naperville office, there is a privacy wall that screens the waiting area—natural light comes in over the top of the wall, but anyone in the waiting area isn’t visible from the sidewalk. In our reviews, clients frequently mention the welcoming, comfortable atmosphere.

PH: Is there anything else you’d want women in West Chicago and nearby communities to know?

Beth: Our target opening date is early November 2017, and construction is happening right on schedule! For more details people can follow our Facebook page. Also, anyone who is needing a free pregnancy test can always reach out to a pregnancy consultant and get information on how our services can help.

Avenue Women’s Center is the oldest first-step clinic operating in DuPage County, providing caring support and help to anyone finding out about a pregnancy or wondering if they might be pregnant. We would love to welcome you to one of our established locations in Elmhurst, Glen Ellyn / Lombard, Naperville, or Wood Dale, or in West Chicago starting in November 2017. Please get in touch today!

The information provided here is general in nature.  It is not a substitute for a consultation with a medical professional. Before any medical procedure, it is imperative that you discuss your personal medical history, risks, and concerns with your doctor. If you have questions during or after a procedure, your doctor should be immediately contacted. Avenue Women’s Center is not an emergency center.  If you are experiencing severe symptoms, such as bleeding and/or pain, seek immediate medical attention.  Contact your physician, go to an emergency room, or call 911.