Any number of things may give away an idea of something you may not be hoping for. Perhaps you’ve missed your period, or you are nauseous every morning, or maybe you just have a feeling. Pregnancy might feel far away, like something strange and distant, but all the signs point to it. And maybe you’re a bit nervous to confirm your suspicions with a pregnancy test, so you’re wondering what your options are before grabbing a test from the shelf and finding out.
Wanting some time before you take a pregnancy test isn’t bad, but maybe you’re at a loss as to what you can do as you wait. Our compassionate and expert staff at Avenue Women’s Center are ready to help you. With over forty years of serving women concerned about an unexpected pregnancy and six Chicagoland locations, you can trust we have your best interests at heart.
Come see us at a location near you today to explore your options!
No, Really, What Are My Options?
Generally speaking, there may not be a lot of options before getting a pregnancy test. If you’re thinking of getting an ultrasound exam, these usually require a positive pregnancy test and that you’re at least a few weeks into your pregnancy. If you’re thinking of abortion, you will also want to confirm your pregnancy.
However, there’s certainly a lot of learning you can do. Exploring your pregnancy options and figuring out what you might do if your test is positive is a good first step. Also taking time to gather resources and consider your available support systems could be beneficial as you prepare.
When It’s Time to Take a Pregnancy Test
When it comes down to it, if you’re thinking you might be pregnant, you will, at some point, need to take a pregnancy test. Unless your period comes, this will be your next step. If you’re nervous about taking the test or nervous about your results, you may find it comforting or helpful to find somebody to confide in. If you come to Avenue, one of our expert consultants will walk you through the test. We offer free and confidential medical-grade pregnancy tests which are accurate just ten days after conception. You don’t have to be alone as you wait for the results to show, and your consultant can answer any questions you might have or talk you through your options and plan.
One thing is for certain: it is always good to take some time to think about your decision and your results. Sometimes finding out you’re pregnant, unexpectedly or not, can bring up a lot of strong emotions. It may feel easy to make make a quick decision or stifle your emotions, but it can pay off to sit with these feelings for a bit and process your news.
No woman should feel like she has to process pregnancy news on her own. Exploring your options can feel frustrating and stressful. Avenue is here to make your life a little bit easier when it comes to pregnancy. We look forward to meeting with you and offering you our free and confidential services!
Schedule your consultation and pregnancy test with us today.
The information provided here is general in nature. It is not a substitute for a consultation with a medical professional. Before any medical procedure, it is imperative that you discuss your personal medical history, risks, and concerns with your doctor. If you have questions during or after a procedure, your doctor should be immediately contacted. Avenue Women’s Center is not an emergency center. If you are experiencing severe symptoms, such as bleeding and/or pain, seek immediate medical attention. Contact your physician, go to an emergency room, or call 911.