Have you ever encountered a situation where you felt like you needed a quick & accessible solution? We all can relate. It’s tempting to reach for whatever makes the pain go away. This is a lesson we learned in childhood and fight against as adults. How do we keep ourselves from turning to a solution simply because it seems to bring the most immediate relief?
Finding the solution that is right for you is especially important when it comes to unplanned pregnancy. Avenue Women’s Center has been offering unique, specialized services geared towards women facing unplanned pregnancy in the Chicagoland area for over 37 years. We offer services such as medical-grade pregnancy tests and pregnancy options consultations to help you take the next step in your decision-making process. Our caring client advocates are here to talk through each of your pregnancy options—abortion, adoption, and parenting—not so that you can find immediate relief, but that you can figure out which option works best for you both now and in the future. Call, chat, email, or text right away for an appointment today.
The scream was deafening. What could possibly have happened? I rushed out to the backyard to find my 4 year old granddaughter had fallen on the sidewalk and had a very slight bruise on her knee. I gently assured her that she would be fine and it just needed to be cleaned up a bit. She was adamant that a band-aid was needed for the healing to begin. Though I knew it wasn’t necessary, she was very determined to have one. So we cleaned it up, applied the Band-Aid and off she went, feeling like she could conquer the world.
But this incident got me thinking. Just like my granddaughter’s Band-Aid, there are many things we run to in life in order to address our problems or to make the pain go away. Like a young child wanting a band-aid so her knee heals quickly, as adults we often do the same thing. I feel so frustrated at work so I stop for a drink, which turns into 5 or 6, because I am anesthetized by the alcohol. Does it really change anything? No, the problems or frustrations are still there. How about the person who dives into a bag of potato chips to sooth the hurt of a relationship that is dissolving? Yet another temporary cover-up makes it seem like all is OK until we realize the problem is still there.
When confronted with an unplanned pregnancy, it is no different. It can be tempting to look again for a quick solution. We may consider options we never thought we would have, simply because they seem to provide an easier way out. However, when it comes to pregnancy, unfortunately, there is no easy or painless solution. Each option leaves its own set of responsibilities and after-effects. So, how can you make a decision that works best for you and your unique situation?
Avenue Women’s Center is here to help. Our pregnancy options consultation appointment allows the opportunity to meet with an expert, receive helpful information, and process through your decision with an uninvolved third party. This provides you the opportunity to take a step back, gather information, and figure out next steps. Contact us today for an appointment at one of our five DuPage County locations—Elmhurst, Glen Ellyn / Lombard, Naperville, West Chicago, and Wood Dale, Illinois. We’d love to walk this journey with you!
The information provided here is general in nature. It is not a substitute for a consultation with a medical professional. Before any medical procedure, it is imperative that you discuss your personal medical history, risks, and concerns with your doctor. If you have questions during or after a procedure, your doctor should be immediately contacted. Avenue Women’s Center is not an emergency center. If you are experiencing severe symptoms, such as bleeding and/or pain, seek immediate medical attention. Contact your physician, go to an emergency room, or call 911.