Countless thoughts may be running through your head after learning about an unexpected pregnancy. Questions about what you should do and what your options are may be forefront in your mind. Figuring out how to move forward can be stressful. As you go through emotions such as fear, confusion, shock, and anger, you may have started to consider abortion as a potential choice. The thought of undergoing a surgical abortion might have made you uncomfortable. Since you may still be within the first few weeks of your pregnancy, perhaps you’re leaning towards a medical abortion. But you may have heard about a process known as a telemedicine abortion. Perhaps you’re interested in taking the abortion pill after a virtual consultation and have questions about it. It’s understandable that you may be feeling stressed right now, and maybe even a little panicked. But where can you go to gather more information?
If you’re looking into telemedicine abortion, Avenue Women’s Center is here to help. Avenue Women’s Center can answer your questions about abortion, the different types of procedures, and potential alternatives in order to walk you through each of your choices. Our client advocates will address your individual concerns in a private consultation. We understand you may be feeling nervous about the decisions ahead of you. We’re here to reduce your anxieties by offering you confidential and supportive services at no cost.
Contact us today to meet with our expert staff for a free appointment at one of our six locations in DuPage County!
What Should I Do Before an Abortion?
If you’re seriously considering undergoing a medical abortion, then you may want to begin gathering information about the process. An ultrasound is recommended first to determine the viability of your pregnancy (the likelihood it will continue). This will also provide an accurate assessment of gestational age (how far along you are). Typically, a medical abortion is not available past a certain point in your pregnancy. Sometimes, natural complications such as a miscarriage or ectopic pregnancy may render the procedure unnecessary. If an ultrasound detects any of these health concerns, then alternative medical care may be advised.
What Usually Happens During a Telemedicine Abortion?
You might have heard about the possibility of having an abortion via a webcam. A telemedicine abortion may be done in conjunction with taking the RU-486 pill to discontinue your pregnancy. To understand this non-surgical procedure better, this process usually involves taking two pills, known as mifepristone and misoprostol.
The first dose is typically taken orally at a clinic. The mifepristone typically works by block progesterone from your uterine lining, breaking it down so the pregnancy cannot continue. About 36 to 72 hours later, you may take a misoprostol tablet to bring on contractions that typically expel the uterine contents. It may take a few hours or a few days before this process is complete.
You may want to inquire about how a telemedicine abortion may involve some different steps. Mifepristone is generally taken at a clinic where you may be given a physical exam to determine your eligibility for the procedure. So, it may be a good idea to ask if this is still the case if you’re consulting with a provider through a webcam. Since the pills may be dispensed to you without a face to face interaction with clinic staff, you may need to schedule a physical exam with your regular doctor to rule out certain conditions that can disqualify you from being able to take RU-486, such as asthma, anemia, or high blood pressure.
It’s recommended you also ask about follow-up care after a telemedicine abortion in case there are complications. It’s important to have medical information handy if you experience heavy bleeding or excessive nausea.
How Do I Know If Abortion Is Right for Me?
Being anxious about an unexpected pregnancy decision is understandable. Gathering information that’s relevant to your health can be a good first step. Balancing the pros and cons of your decisions does not have to be a task you take on by yourself. Support groups and caring professionals exist to offer you assistance in this tough time.
Are you contemplating an abortion decision, but you have questions about the telemedicine procedure? Avenue Women’s Center will give you relevant information to help you take the next steps. Our free, limited ultrasound exams will inform you of early pregnancy risks and how far along you are, indicating if telemedicine abortion is an option for you. Also, our caring staff will meet with you in a private consultation to provide further information regarding abortion procedures and risks, while addressing your individual questions.
Reach out today for free unexpected pregnancy support!
- American Pregnancy Association. Medical Abortion Procedures. Retrieved from:
- Pymar HC, Creinin MD (2000). Alternatives to mifepristone regimens for medical abortion. American Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology, 183 (2): s54-s64.
Reviewed by Patricia Kuenzi, APN-CNP, MSN, ANP, PNP.
The information provided here is general in nature. It is not a substitute for a consultation with a medical professional. Before any medical procedure, it is imperative that you discuss your personal medical history, risks, and concerns with your doctor. If you have questions during or after a procedure, your doctor should be immediately contacted. Avenue Women’s Center is not an emergency center. If you are experiencing severe symptoms, such as bleeding and/or pain, seek immediate medical attention. Contact your physician, go to an emergency room, or call 911.