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When It Feels Like a Choice Between Ending Your Pregnancy and Ending Your Future

An unexpected pregnancy almost always triggers concerns about the future.  One especially common worry among people facing this situation is the fear of missing out on valuable opportunities.  They may be afraid that carrying to term would mean saying goodbye to their visions for the future.  Perhaps you’re coping with similar circumstances, and you can relate to this fear.  If so, this blog is for you.  The road ahead may look treacherous.  But you have the strength that you need to overcome your anxieties and make the best pregnancy decision for you, despite the challenges.  Avenue Women’s Center is available to meet you at this significant crossroads.

For over 40 years, Avenue Women’s Center has been empowering individuals to make informed decisions for abortion, adoption, or parenting.  We offer free and confidential first-step pregnancy services at our five limited medical clinics.  Our caring team at Avenue is passionate about removing barriers that prevent women from receiving key information about their pregnancies and options.  We’d love to partner with you on your own unique journey.

Call, text, chat, or email to schedule an appointment at one of our locations in Chicagoland!

Your Pregnancy and Your Future are Not Mutually Exclusive

Does it feel like you have two options: to terminate your pregnancy, or terminate your vision for your future?  This may sound harsh, but many women believe this to be true of their own situations.  It’s important to recognize that a person’s pregnancy and her future are not mutually exclusive.  In other words, both can exist at the same time.  If you ultimately decide that keeping the pregnancy is the best choice for you, it’s possible to continue this journey while pursuing your plans for the future.  The process of getting there may look different than you expected.  There may be unforeseen challenges and shifts in your perspective.

But you can still pursue your goals and achieve a positive outcome.

Considering the Dynamics that Make Your Situation Unique

Pregnancy outcomes don’t follow formulas.  The circumstances behind them are almost always complex, with many different nuances.  Instead of looking at the future in black-and-white terms, consider the unique factors involved with your situation as you engage in the decision-making process.  Ask yourself questions like these:

  • What are my deeply held values and beliefs?
  • What are my desires and instincts telling me? What is my gut saying?
  • What are my personal strengths?
  • What resources (practical or emotional) are available to me?
  • How do these factors apply to my pregnancy situation? Which pregnancy option(s) are they pointing me toward, if any?

Pondering these questions will help you choose your pregnancy outcome from a position of clarity and strength rather than fear, which is always the best approach to any significant decision.

Additional Tips to Make a Confident Pregnancy Decision

Consider these tips to make an even more confident and informed decision for abortion, adoption, or parenting.

  • Gather key information about your pregnancy. Consider getting an ultrasound to determine where the pregnancy is located (in or outside of the uterus), how far along you are, and your chances of miscarriage.  This information can help you safeguard your own health and know which pregnancy options you’re eligible for.  A limited medical ultrasound at Avenue can offer all this info at no cost.
  • Prioritize self-care. Chances are, you’re feeling really overwhelmed right now.  Returning to a calmer state of mind will help you make a healthier pregnancy decision, and achieving this is more realistic than it seems.  Self-care is a practical tool you can use to find mental and emotional balance.  Advocate for your needs, care for your body, and engage in activities you enjoy as you navigate the early days of your pregnancy.
  • Take the time that you need. Process your circumstances and surrounding emotions.  Access important information about your pregnancy and options.  Listen to your gut, and explore available resources that could help you pursue the option(s) you’re leaning toward.  These steps can take some time, and that’s okay.  Most women have weeks to make a decision after identifying an unexpected pregnancy.  You don’t have to rush.

At Avenue Women’s Center, we aim to provide all the support that you need to take your next steps on the road to your own best pregnancy outcome.  No matter where this journey leads, our expert team is here to provide reliable facts and unconditional emotional support.  We’re a judgment-free clinic that respects women’s strength and autonomy.  We’re available to be a neutral sounding board, an advocate, and a source of accurate information as you navigate the days ahead.

Reach out to schedule an appointment today!  We’re here to answer your questions!

The information provided here is general in nature.  It is not a substitute for a consultation with a medical professional. Before any medical procedure, it is imperative that you discuss your personal medical history, risks, and concerns with your doctor. If you have questions during or after a procedure, your doctor should be immediately contacted. Avenue Women’s Center is not an emergency center.  If you are experiencing severe symptoms, such as bleeding and/or pain, seek immediate medical attention.  Contact your physician, go to an emergency room, or call 911.