Ever feel like things were going just fine until you’re in the middle of an unexpected situation? An unplanned pregnancy can often throw life off-balance. What do you do when the unexpected happens?
Avenue Women’s Center is a women’s limited medical clinic that has been helping women navigate the unexpected for over 30 years. We offer services geared towards unplanned pregnancy including medical grade pregnancy tests that are accurate just 10 days after possible conception. Our caring client advocates also provide information and support to help you navigate your pregnancy decision. Contact us right away for a free pregnancy test or options consultation at one of our five DuPage County locations.
My father was always an avid fisherman. At 80 yrs. old he had a difficult time finding someone to fish with as his friends had passed away or were not in good health. One warm summer morning he looked across the street and saw a neighbor who had retired recently and a thought came to him. “Maybe my neighbor Joe would like to go fishing?” He quickly walked across the street. “Hey Joe, would you like to go fishing with me? I have all the tackle and we would rent a boat for $25.” Joe was uncertain because he didn’t know how to swim and was afraid to be in a boat. “No worries,” my dad sad. “I’ve never tipped a boat yet, and you can wear a life preserver.” Unsure, but having nothing better to do Joe agreed.
It took less than an hour for them to make a sack lunch, gather the fishing tackle and off they went. Dad rented a little rowboat and got everything in the boat while Joe stood on the pier nervously. Carefully and fearfully Joe got in the boat. As they took off Dad says, “there is only one thing you need to remember; don’t stand up in the boat.”
They day went along fine until Joe decided it was time to eat lunch. He forgot the one rule my dad gave him and quickly stood up to reach his lunch and as predicted, the boat capsized.
Dad and Joe found themselves underneath the boat. Fortunately, they were not that far from the pier and my 80 year old dad paddled them back to safety. Needless to say, Joe never went fishing with Dad again.
Having the boat capsized was the very last thing my Dad expected to happen. But isn’t that how life works sometimes? A bad decision, an unexpected event, a relationship that went sour and you feel like you are trapped with no lifeline in sight. If you’re facing an unexpected pregnancy, you may be able to relate to Joe. This was not how you expected things to turn out.
The good news is, just like Joe, you are not alone. When you’re facing the unexpected, Avenue Women’s Center is here to help. Our experienced client advocates are here to assist you with services, information, and support. Let us equip you for taking the next step in your decision-making process. Call, chat, email or text right away.
The information provided here is general in nature. It is not a substitute for a consultation with a medical professional. Before any medical procedure, it is imperative that you discuss your personal medical history, risks, and concerns with your doctor. If you have questions during or after a procedure, your doctor should be immediately contacted. Avenue Women’s Center is not an emergency center. If you are experiencing severe symptoms, such as bleeding and/or pain, seek immediate medical attention. Contact your physician, go to an emergency room, or call 911.