You may have experienced a sense of shock after an at-home pregnancy test came back positive. How could this be happening? As the shock began to wear off, feelings of panic might have replaced it. Perhaps your mind instantly went to your three options – abortion, adoption, and parenting. It’s normal to feel an immediate need for answers after confirming your pregnancy suspicions. But if you’re searching for information alone, how do you know if it’s accurate? An unexpected pregnancy can also be an emotional journey. There may be a lot to process now. Where in Darien might you go for reliable information to learn more about your pregnancy options?
An unexpected pregnancy can lead to a need for answers as you think about your next steps. Avenue Women’s Center can provide you with accurate facts about your pregnancy within a supportive environment. We can meet with you to discuss your choices to help you make the best decision. Our limited medical services will provide further information regarding your pregnancy. We’re here to listen to your concerns and answer any of your valid questions.
Contact us today to schedule a free appointment at our Darien center or other DuPage County locations!
What Are My Three Pregnancy Options?
It can be helpful to give yourself space to reflect on your decision. You do not have to commit to one choice right away. You have time to process your situation and consider your feelings. Try to think about each of your choices one by one.
This way, you can ponder what questions you might have. It may also be worth it to consult a professional resource. Instead of thinking about your decision alone, you can enlist support during your time of reflection.
What questions might you have about surgical or non-surgical abortions? Is there a difference between the different types of abortion procedures? Should you prepare for any potential side effects? What more can you learn about the abortion recovery process?
Are you looking to co-parent with anyone? What level of support might you need from your partner, friends, or family members? How can you access information about government aid or community programs?
What is the difference between an open, semi-open, or closed adoption? How much communication do you want with the adoptive parents post-adoption? Are you eligible for financial aid and other forms of assistance through the agency? Where can you go to educate yourself further about this option?
Who Can I Talk to in Darien About the Unexpected Pregnancy?
Healthcare Provider:
A doctor can supply you with medically accurate information about your pregnancy. He or she may also administer an ultrasound. An ultrasound can screen you for potential health complications that may impact your pregnancy decision. It’s important to rule out conditions such as a miscarriage or an ectopic pregnancy as soon you know you’re pregnant. Your doctor may also be able to clarify any confusion about your options and recommend resources.
Pregnancy Consultant:
A pregnancy consultant can usually meet with you free of charge. The confidential services they offer are available at most first-step options clinics. These centers usually provide basic medical services, such as pregnancy tests and ultrasounds. Within a nonjudgmental space, pregnancy consultants will usually walk you through all your options. They can equip you with the information and resources needed for the first steps of your pregnancy decision.
Do you live near Darien and are trying to learn more about your pregnancy options? It’s normal to have questions when faced with an unexpected pregnancy. Avenue Women’s Center offers women a comfortable environment where they can learn more. We will take the time to get to know more about your unique situation during your free appointment. Our expert staff can provide you with reliable information about each of your choices. We understand you may feel overwhelmed by your current circumstances. That’s why we’re here to make your situation less challenging by offering nonjudgmental and committed support.
Reach out today for compassionate care in Darien, or any of our five other locations in Elmhurst, Glen Ellyn / Lombard, Naperville, West Chicago, or Wood Dale, Illinois!
The information provided here is general in nature. It is not a substitute for a consultation with a medical professional. Before any medical procedure, it is imperative that you discuss your personal medical history, risks, and concerns with your doctor. If you have questions during or after a procedure, your doctor should be immediately contacted. Avenue Women’s Center is not an emergency center. If you are experiencing severe symptoms, such as bleeding and/or pain, seek immediate medical attention. Contact your physician, go to an emergency room, or call 911.