When an unexpected pregnancy comes at what feels like the worst possible timing, abortion is often a consideration. Many women just want everything to go back to normal, back to the way it all was before becoming pregnant. An abortion can feel like the only option for life to stay on track towards your hopes and dreams. However, this is not always the case in reality. Change is possible with any important choice, including a decision about abortion.
Change can come with any big decision, particularly when deciding what to do about an unexpected pregnancy. At Avenue Women’s Center, we walk you through the potential outcomes involved with each of your pregnancy options, including abortion. We’ve provided services to women facing unexpected pregnancy decisions for nearly 40 years. Receive the nonjudgmental support and accurate information you need to take your next steps during a confidential pregnancy options consultation. Contact us today for your free appointment at any of our five DuPage County locations!
Change Is Inevitable
We imagine, we hope, we plan, we act … and then something pops up and interrupts it all. Our path ahead curves, or we’re shifted to an entirely new route altogether. Our dreams morph and evolve as we do ourselves. Life’s twists and turns can be exciting and transformational. They can also be challenging and scary—especially with an unexpected pregnancy. Your future trajectory could feel like it’s coming to a grinding halt with the option of parenting. But abortion doesn’t necessarily guarantee that life will go back to normal.
There can be unforeseen physical and/or emotional outcomes with any pregnancy option, including abortion. While some women feel unchanged by an abortion, others might learn something from the experience or the circumstances leading up to it. Some women may feel immediate regret with their decision, along with strong emotions of guilt, shame, or depression. An abortion experience can also pass without these feelings or any recognizable changes. Or perhaps you don’t feel any differently at first, but later realize your abortion impacted your life. We all process things differently, in various ways, and things might take time to settle in. You can’t know for sure what changes might take shape with a possible abortion, but you can start to think ahead of the possibilities to make a pregnancy decision you can feel confident about.
Handling Possible Changes After an Abortion
- Plan ahead. You likely have a lot of questions if you’re seriously considering an abortion. Start to plan ahead for the possibilities by learning more information. Ask yourself those tough questions that concern you the most. What are the potential physical risks involved with each abortion procedure? How does your personal health affect your abortion options? Speak with a medical professional to understand the different post-abortion care treatments. What about the possible emotional side effects involved? Think about a possible plan of action with some ways you might cope with difficult feelings.
- Talk it out. Whether it’s with your partner, a loved one, a close friend, your doctor or health care provider, a counselor or therapist, or an unbiased pregnancy decision professional—talk through your abortion concerns and considerations with someone you trust. Your feelings and thoughts about this option may be hard to face, or they might change from moment to moment. It can often be helpful to speak up and voice what you’re going through to those who care about you most. Choose wisely with someone you know will be supportive no matter what you decide to do in your pregnancy situation.
- Take your time deciding. Major decisions should never be rushed. It’s important to take your time when choosing if abortion is the right option for you and your personal pregnancy situation. It’s also important not to procrastinate or take too much time. Abortion options largely depend on how far along your pregnancy is, or the gestation age. The gestation age determines which type of abortion procedure is used, as well as the cost involved. Weigh your abortion options and alternatives fully to make an informed decision.
If you are seeking a confidential and safe space to address your unique abortion concerns, look no further than Avenue Women’s Center. Our pregnancy decision professionals are experts in knowing all about your options, including abortion. We know the possible changes in any pregnancy decision can be hard to face, and we care about providing you with compassionate support you can count on. When you come in for a free options consultation, you’ll be greeted with nonjudgmental, accurate, and reliable information you can trust. Reach out to us and learn more about how we can help you take the first steps in your pregnancy decision.
The information provided here is general in nature. It is not a substitute for a consultation with a medical professional. Before any medical procedure, it is imperative that you discuss your personal medical history, risks, and concerns with your doctor. If you have questions during or after a procedure, your doctor should be immediately contacted. Avenue Women’s Center is not an emergency center. If you are experiencing severe symptoms, such as bleeding and/or pain, seek immediate medical attention. Contact your physician, go to an emergency room, or call 911.