My name is Nikki, and I am one of the pregnancy consultants here at Avenue Women’s Center. I recently celebrated my 4 year anniversary of working here! Being part of the team, here at Avenue Women’s Center, has been such a wonderful experience, and I absolutely love what I do!
If you are looking into abortion, the caring pregnancy consultants of Avenue Women’s Center are here for you. With offices in Elmhurst, Glen Ellyn / Lombard, Naperville, West Chicago, and Wood Dale, Illinois, we hope you find us to be conveniently located. To learn more about ways we may assist you, please call or text us today.
“What does one do as a pregnancy consultant?” you might be asking yourself. Let me tell you! As a pregnancy consultant, I get to work first hand with the amazing women who walk through our doors. Some women come to us looking to confirm a pregnancy, while others come to us looking into abortion. At Avenue Women’s Center, we are able to provide women in the community with services, free of charge. Besides these services, we make sure to provide a caring space so that women have a chance to talk through feelings, thoughts and circumstances.
As a pregnancy consultant, I work with many women who are looking into abortion. From my personal perspective, women who are looking into abortion are often struggling with this possible decision, and are looking for clarity and confirmation of what their best next steps are. I always find it inspiring when a woman comes to Avenue Women’s Center as their first step. I use the word “inspiring” because it takes a lot of strength and courage to want to get as much information, and be as educated as possible, about an important decision before just jumping into something. Before any decisions are made, we are able to provide women help and information that will educate her about her options, as well as help her figure out what’s going to be her next best steps. From what I know as a pregnancy consultant, a woman might feel unsure or confused about her next steps when looking into abortion, especially if it’s her first time. I love getting to really give every woman the chance to open up and talk about their thoughts and feelings towards the options they have. As a pregnancy consultant, I want everyone to walk out of our office feeling 100% confident and educated about whatever decision they choose.
Every woman’s privacy is carefully guarded at Avenue Women’s Center! I do have permission to share the following experience with you, in the hope that you will find it useful in your own decision-making process. I’ll call this client “Stephanie” (not her real name). Stephanie first came to Avenue Women’s Center looking to find out if she was pregnant. When the test came back positive, she felt shocked and scared. She felt that, at her age, having a baby was out of the question. She explained that she would be looking into abortion, but felt that she knew nothing about it. As her pregnancy consultant, I was able to step in, and help provide her with the information she desired, and reading material to take home so that she could talk and share the information with her significant other. We were able to talk through her thoughts and feelings about her options. Stephanie left feeling more confident and informed about different options that were available to her. She stated that she was “so glad (she) came to Avenue Women’s Center, and was able to openly talk about (her) options in a safe and confidential environment.”
If you or someone you know is looking into abortion, please let Avenue Women’s Center be your first step. We are here to provide caring, expert services to help as you make the best decision for yourself. As a pregnancy consultant who has done this job for 4 years now, I want you to know that you are not alone. Your situation is important to us, and we will strive to make sure you get the best care, and utmost compassion, that you deserve. We hope you will contact us today.
The information provided here is general in nature. It is not a substitute for a consultation with a medical professional. Before any medical procedure, it is imperative that you discuss your personal medical history, risks, and concerns with your doctor. If you have questions during or after a procedure, your doctor should be immediately contacted. Avenue Women’s Center is not an emergency center. If you are experiencing severe symptoms, such as bleeding and/or pain, seek immediate medical attention. Contact your physician, go to an emergency room, or call 911.