Modern neuroscience shows that anxiety can interrupt good decision-making (Psychology Today). It makes sense, right? How many times have you panicked about something, and afterwards felt paralyzed in your efforts to make the choices needed to find a resolution? Anxiety is almost inevitable when it comes to a situation like an unexpected pregnancy. If left unchecked, it could leave you vulnerable to choosing an outcome that’s not your best. Here’s the good news: It’s possible to cultivate a healthy mental space, so you can make an informed decision with confidence and lessen the impact of your anxiety.
Avenue Women’s Center is here to help you accomplish this! We’re a first-step pregnancy clinic with five locations in Chicagoland. Our expert pregnancy consultants and nurses understand how an unexpected pregnancy can affect multiple components of an individual’s health: physical, mental, emotional, social, and spiritual. We’re available to provide practical early pregnancy services at no cost, while striving to meet your holistic needs.
Reach out to learn more! We offer reliable information on pregnancy options and resources to equip women for their own best decisions.
The Neuroscience Behind the Question
Psychology Today defines decision-making as, “the cognitive process of making a choice between a number of possible alternatives that often involves weighing the risks, rewards, and consequences of your actions.” According to research, anxiety seems to disturb neurons in a region of the brain that plays a key role in decision-making for both humans and animals- the prefrontal cortex (PFC). The PFC is largely responsible for evaluating risks and rewards, making long-term plans, regulating emotions, and finding solutions. A 2016 study of rodents showed that anxiety, “suppresses the general spontaneous activity of PFC neurons”, disrupting the ability to make wise choices (Psychology Today).
Anxiety and the Pregnancy Decision-Making Process
In its definition of decision-making, Psychology Today speaks of choosing between, “a number of possible alternatives” by, “weighing the risks, rewards, and consequences.” Making a well-rounded pregnancy decision will involve this exact same process. After discovering an unexpected pregnancy, many people experience overwhelming anxiety that becomes difficult to regulate, even after the initial shock has subsided. This anxiety can interrupt the neurological process of making a carefully considered pregnancy decision. It can lead to a hasty choice, or one made primarily based on fear or pressure. Your healthiest approach will involve evaluating the potential risks and benefits of all your pregnancy options: abortion, adoption, and parenting. Learning how to manage your anxiety will help you engage in this important work more calmly and efficiently.
Effectively Managing Your Anxiety
There are many different ways to effectively manage anxiety. Entire books could be written (and have been written) about this topic alone. Let’s go over some of the most essential steps needed to navigate anxiety well.
Acknowledge and accept.
It’s important to acknowledge the presence of your anxiety, and move toward accepting your circumstances. Some people try to cope with fear by denying or disregarding it. Choosing not to acknowledge the reality of your situation and deal with your emotions will only distort your decision-making process from the get-go.
Find reliable support.
This is critical! Consider reaching out to someone caring, like a wise and loyal friend, a professional counselor, a mentor, or a pregnancy consultant. Look for someone you can trust to be transparent as well as respectful of your autonomy. A strong support network will equip you to keep an open mind and receive practical and emotional support as you cope with this pregnancy.
Create a plan.
If you’re struggling with a lot of anxiety, it may be tempting to skip to this third step without fully engaging in the first two. Resist that urge. Hold off on designing and implementing a plan until you’ve processed your circumstances, explored your options, and found caring support. Remember that a quick decision doesn’t always mean quick relief. Taking this journey at a steady pace, one step at a time, will likely allow you to reach a decision you feel better about in the long run.
Check out some of our other blogs for more tips on coping with anxiety!
Coping with Fear During an Unexpected Pregnancy
Facing a Pregnancy Decision in “Fight or Flight” Mode
Anxiety can easily transform into a vicious cycle. Worry and distress can lead to poor decision-making, which can lead to more anxiety, which can lead to more missteps, and on it goes. Know that you can break this cycle before anxiety gets a foothold in your pregnancy journey and your life (and even if it already has). Our expert team at Avenue Women’s Center is available to partner with you. We believe that you have what it takes to stand up to your fear and make a confident decision from a position of strength. When you reach out, we promise you’ll be met with warmth, professionalism, and unconditional emotional support.
Learn more about our confidential early pregnancy services and schedule an appointment!
*Avenue is a limited medical clinic that provides first-step pregnancy support. We do not provide professional counseling, but we can provide referrals for professional counseling services.
Psychology Today. (2016, March). How Does Anxiety Short Circuit the Decision-Making Process? Retrieved from: https://www.psychologytoday.com/us/blog/the-athletes-way/201603/how-does-anxiety-short-circuit-the-decision-making-process
The information provided here is general in nature. It is not a substitute for a consultation with a medical professional. Before any medical procedure, it is imperative that you discuss your personal medical history, risks, and concerns with your doctor. If you have questions during or after a procedure, your doctor should be immediately contacted. Avenue Women’s Center is not an emergency center. If you are experiencing severe symptoms, such as bleeding and/or pain, seek immediate medical attention. Contact your physician, go to an emergency room, or call 911.