In July of 2019, Illinois Governor JB Pritzker signed the Reproductive Health Act into law. This act changed the abortion regulations in the state of Illinois, and also changed requirements for both private and state insurance plans. So, the question remains, “is it possible to buy my girlfriend’s abortion pill?”
If you and your girlfriend are considering an abortion for her unexpected pregnancy, you’re likely wondering what your financial options are. Specifically, you may wonder if your insurance plan will cover your girlfriend’s abortion. We’ll breakdown the Reproductive Health Act (RHA) rules and regulations so you can better understand your options when it comes to abortion.
Will My Insurance Pay?
The RHA requires private insurance companies to cover the cost of an abortion (medication or surgical) if the plan also covers other reproductive health services. For example, if your policy covers contraceptives, it would also need to cover abortion under the RHA.
If your girlfriend is uninsured, your insurance policy may or may not cover her abortion pill. You’ll need to contact your provider to clarify. Is your girlfriend covered by her own policy? If that policy covers other reproductive health services, then it will also cover her abortion pill.
What Is The Abortion Pill?
The abortion pill is a two-part regimen for ending early pregnancy. Typically, a doctor will prescribe the medication. Mifepristone is the first drug and is often taken at the doctor’s office or clinic. Between 24-48 hours later, the Misoprostol (the second drug) can be taken at home.
Mifepristone ends the pregnancy by blocking the body’s production of the hormone progesterone. Misoprostol causes cramping and contractions so the pregnancy can be expelled.
What Should We Do Before Taking The Abortion Pill?
Like any other procedure, the abortion pill comes with a number of potential side effects and risks. It’s important for you and your girlfriend to be aware of these risks so you can make a fully-informed decision.
You should also plan on getting an ultrasound before making your decision. An ultrasound provides important information about the pregnancy like where it’s located, how far along it is, and if it’s viable (likely to continue). This information can let your girlfriend know if she is eligible for an abortion.
Avenue Women’s Center offers free ultrasounds and information on all your options.
Schedule a no-cost, confidential appointment today so you can make an empowered choice.
The information provided here is general in nature. It is not a substitute for a consultation with a medical professional. Before any medical procedure, it is imperative that you discuss your personal medical history, risks, and concerns with your doctor. If you have questions during or after a procedure, your doctor should be immediately contacted. Avenue Women’s Center is not an emergency center. If you are experiencing severe symptoms, such as bleeding and/or pain, seek immediate medical attention. Contact your physician, go to an emergency room, or call 911.