Are you and your partner experiencing an unexpected pregnancy? Whether you’re married, dating, or seeing one another casually, you’re probably hoping for the support of both your families. But what if it’s clear that neither of them would back you–at least, not unless you made the specific pregnancy decision they wanted? Maybe you’re considering abortion because you don’t think your family or his would support you otherwise. It might even feel like ending the pregnancy is your only option, because you can’t imagine continuing this pregnancy (let alone creating an adoption or parenting plan) without them in your corner.
It’s natural and often healthy to seek emotional and practical support from family members during an unexpected pregnancy. But if their care seems conditional on your pregnancy choice, you may feel like their support isn’t genuine. No matter what, Avenue Women’s Center is here to navigate this pregnancy journey by your side. We’re an early pregnancy clinic with six locations in Chicagoland, and we’re passionate about providing free services to help individuals and couples press on feeling equipped and informed.
Check out our no-cost, confidential, first-step pregnancy services!
You’re Not Alone
There’s a difference between a family member disagreeing with a pregnancy option you’re considering and refusing to support you as a person through a pregnancy journey. Maybe both of these are valid concerns for you and your partner. No matter which pregnancy option(s) you’re contemplating (abortion, adoption, or parenting), or which one you choose, there’s a possibility that someone in your circle will not be supportive. That can be very hurtful and anxiety-provoking. It can also add pressure to an already high-stress situation. But, regardless of how your families are responding, you and your partner don’t have to face this unexpected pregnancy on your own.
Avenue Women’s Center is Here for You
At Avenue Women’s Center, we believe that caring support should never depend on a person’s pregnancy choice. Caring support is for everyone, during the pregnancy and beyond, no matter what pregnancy decision has been reached. Whether or not your family is approaching you with care and empathy during this challenging season, Avenue can help. It’s our role to offer ongoing emotional and practical support without judgment. We want to empower you to make the choice that’s best for you. That’s why we provide confidential early pregnancy support at no cost. Our services include medical-grade pregnancy tests, options consultations, limited medical ultrasounds, and more!
Approaching a Pregnancy Conversation with Family
Perhaps you and your partner are considering abortion because you believe that your families wouldn’t support you, but you haven’t shared your pregnancy news with them yet. Keep in mind that the future can be very unpredictable. So can other people’s behaviors. Often, it’s worth allowing someone to react to difficult information in a positive way that exceeds your expectations. If this feels safe, you and your partner may consider being transparent with your families (or, maybe one or two family members). There are practical steps you can take to prepare for these conversations. It’s possible to empathize with their thoughts and feelings while setting clear boundaries and communicating that this pregnancy decision is yours to make. Check out some of our other blogs that focus on this topic!
Helpful Communication Tools When Sharing Pregnancy News
Considering Abortion Because My Family Won’t Be Supportive
Maybe you and your partner are feeling isolated today, because it seems like neither of your families is willing to help you cope with this unexpected pregnancy. It can be particularly hurtful when the people that we love the most not only find fault with our decisions or leanings, but distance themselves from us emotionally… especially during a season of life when it feels like we need them the most. Avenue has your back no matter how your family is responding (or how they may respond) to your present circumstances. We’ve been providing trusted early pregnancy support for over forty years! We’d love to partner with you too.
Call, text, chat, or email to schedule an appointment! We can confidently say you’ll be met with compassion by our expert team members.
The information provided here is general in nature. It is not a substitute for a consultation with a medical professional. Before any medical procedure, it is imperative that you discuss your personal medical history, risks, and concerns with your doctor. If you have questions during or after a procedure, your doctor should be immediately contacted. Avenue Women’s Center is not an emergency center. If you are experiencing severe symptoms, such as bleeding and/or pain, seek immediate medical attention. Contact your physician, go to an emergency room, or call 911.