Have you recently returned home from college for the summer or post-graduation? Maybe you’re home on break right now. As you probably know, this can be a major adjustment for college students/graduates and other members of a household. Maybe settling back in has been a frustrating process so far, even if you missed your family and are relieved to be in a familiar environment again. You’ve probably gotten used to living day-to-day without very much oversight. And now, your setting and lifestyle have shifted yet again. Your parent(s) may or may not be responding to these changes with flexibility and understanding.
Maybe you’re also facing an unexpected pregnancy in the middle of these circumstances. If so, an already tense situation has likely become more complex due to these dynamics. Know that you don’t have to navigate this road on your own, even if you feel isolated today.
Avenue Women’s Center is here to surround you with practical and emotional support. We provide free early pregnancy services, like lab-quality pregnancy tests and options consultations, to help you move toward your own best outcome with a knowledgeable perspective. All services are completely confidential!
Check out our website to learn more about Avenue Women’s Center!
A Lot to Grapple With
Whether or not your family is aware of your pregnancy at this point, you’re likely wrestling with a lot of stress. Your mind may be reeling with questions, like…
- Should I tell my parents or other family members about my unexpected pregnancy? (If you haven’t already).
- If I decide to take that step, how should I tell them?
- How will my parents and relatives react? How might their reactions affect my experience living in this environment?
- What would it look like for my family to become more involved in my pregnancy journey? Do I see this helping, creating conflict, or both?
- What would it look like to return to college or transition into the next phase of my life having shared my pregnancy experience? (This also depends on which pregnancy option you decide to pursue: abortion, adoption, or parenting). What role(s) would my family member(s) possibly continue to play?
Perhaps you’re planning to see other important people for the first time in a while as summer stretches on, like old friends or extended family members. You may be asking yourself similar questions regarding your interactions and relationships with them. We hope our services at Avenue will help you navigate your pregnancy journey alongside family members and other key people with greater ease. Our expert staff is available to talk about approaching loved ones with pregnancy news. Avenue Women’s Center has over forty years of experience helping women engage in these challenging conversations, which often lead to stronger support and other positive outcomes.
The Value of a First-Step Pregnancy Center
At Avenue Women’s Center, we understand that the pace of life for a college student is ever-changing and often hectic. We’re here to meet you in that space with compassion, while protecting your autonomy and confidentiality. Connecting with us is easy- you can get in touch by calling, texting, chatting, emailing, self-scheduling, etc. If you’re away from home or extra discretion is needed because your family doesn’t know about your pregnancy, there are multiple communication options available. Avenue’s free early pregnancy services are conveniently offered at six clinics in Chicagoland. Some services can be provided virtually as well! We’re here to ensure you have ongoing access to emotional and practical care, even if you’ll be returning to college in another area, no matter which pregnancy option you decide to pursue.
So, how can a first-step pregnancy center like Avenue Women’s Center help? Our no-cost services (medical-grade pregnancy tests, limited medical ultrasounds, options consultations, etc.) are designed to offer the clarity you need to make an informed pregnancy choice. Confirming the pregnancy is key, first and foremost. It’s also beneficial to learn how far along you are and where the pregnancy is located to safeguard your own health. Avenue is a safe, reliable place to come for accurate information on your pregnancy, all your options, and available resources. Your loved ones are welcome to join you for your appointment if you wish. Our compassionate team is here to listen, support, and empower you as you create a pregnancy plan.
Check out some of our blogs on sharing pregnancy news!
Helpful Communication Tools When Sharing Pregnancy News
Who Should I Tell About My Pregnancy?
“I Don’t Know How to Tell My Parents About an Unexpected Pregnancy”
It’s really important to feel supported as you navigate the days and weeks ahead, no matter if and how you talk to your family about this unexpected pregnancy. If now doesn’t feel like the right time to approach them, consider confiding in someone else you trust, like a mentor or a professional counselor. Avenue Women’s Center would love to be a part of your support network as well.
Reach out to connect with us! We’re here to answer your questions!
The information provided here is general in nature. It is not a substitute for a consultation with a medical professional. Before any medical procedure, it is imperative that you discuss your personal medical history, risks, and concerns with your doctor. If you have questions during or after a procedure, your doctor should be immediately contacted. Avenue Women’s Center is not an emergency center. If you are experiencing severe symptoms, such as bleeding and/or pain, seek immediate medical attention. Contact your physician, go to an emergency room, or call 911.