Are you thinking of adoption? Maybe you’re struggling with life circumstances and feel like forming an adoption plan will be your best option. The journey is a challenging one, but it’s filled with hope and humility.
The process of adoption these days looks totally different than it was in previous years. As the one forming the adoption plan, you get the freedom to choose what the plan is and what your relationship with your child will look like. Let’s give you more specific insight on how to make an adoption plan in Illinois.
What Are My Options for Adoption in Illinois?
Open Adoption
In Illinois, there are three adoption types to consider. Most families go with open adoption, where you and the adoptive family have access to one another with face-to-face meetings, phone calls, and more. You get to pick the family you want through an extensive review process and meet them before the birth if you’d like. If you’d like to be involved long-term, and both parties agree to it, this is your best adoption option.
Closed Adoption
A closed adoption is less common. This option is for those who would like to remain anonymous to the adoptive family and their child. You still have the freedom to choose the adoptive family, but you will have no interaction with them. It’s completely private. Your child can try to find you when they are an adult.
Semi-Open Adoption
Lastly, there is a semi-open adoption to consider. In a semi-open adoption, all communication will be through a third-party adoption professional. You will have the freedom to choose how much communication and information you want to share and receive. All visits are scheduled and also attended by the adoption professional.
Choosing A Family
This step is often the hardest part. To give you more confidence in the adoptive family placement process, there is a vigorous process families go through to adopt. The adoptive parents will go through criminal and abuse background checks. A representative will come to their home to make sure it’s acceptably prepared for a baby. A questionnaire is completed to find out their hobbies, religion, income, education, photos, etc. This way, you can really get to know them before choosing a family.
What Does It Cost?
If you create an adoption plan and want to place your child for adoption in Illinois, you can receive assistance financially for medical, legal, and counseling fees. You may even be able to receive assistance for living expenses.
Financial assistance is coordinated through your social worker or attorney. No reputable agency or lawyer will ask anything of you financially. You pay nothing.
How Do I Begin the Process?
If you have questions or concerns about the adoption process, this is normal. If you feel overwhelmed with your pregnancy options, remember you don’t have to do it alone. Our team at Avenue Women’s Center is ready to support you along the way.
Learn more about adoption by scheduling a free and confidential appointment with us today. We can talk to see if this option is right for you!
The information provided here is general in nature. It is not a substitute for a consultation with a medical professional. Before any medical procedure, it is imperative that you discuss your personal medical history, risks, and concerns with your doctor. If you have questions during or after a procedure, your doctor should be immediately contacted. Avenue Women’s Center is not an emergency center. If you are experiencing severe symptoms, such as bleeding and/or pain, seek immediate medical attention. Contact your physician, go to an emergency room, or call 911.