It happens sometimes. Old friends bump into each other or intentionally reconnect. They may have a natural rapport that’s existed for years, even if they’ve gone their separate ways for a while. They have a history together. Shared memories. Mutual attraction can easily develop under circumstances like these. Maybe you recently reconnected with a friend of the opposite sex, the chemistry was there, and now you’ve made the shocking realization that this meeting has brought about an unexpected pregnancy. You probably have a lot to process, but you don’t have to navigate this on your own.
Avenue Women’s Center is here to help. We’re a first-step pregnancy center with a passion for empowering women facing an unexpected pregnancy in the middle of challenging, complex circumstances. Avenue provides free medical-grade pregnancy tests, options consultations, and more at our six limited medical clinics in Chicagoland, Illinois.
Reach out and learn more about our services! We offer a safe space to receive confidential care.
It’s Complicated
Leaning into the chemistry and having sex with your friend may have felt really right, a spontaneous moment like something out of a movie. Maybe it was awkward. Maybe the experience included elements of both! Perhaps one or both of you is already in a committed relationship, meaning someone has cheated. We’ve barely even touched on the potential reasons why this encounter with your long-time friend may have happened. So many different factors may be a part of your personal set of circumstances. But, chances are, however your unique story has unfolded, life is feeling really complicated right now. And an unexpected pregnancy is complicated enough within the context of a “normal” romantic relationship.
Getting Prompt, Reliable Support
People who find themselves in situations like yours, having never intended for a pregnancy to take place, often feel isolated. Maybe you haven’t told anyone about the encounter with your friend (let alone the unexpected pregnancy) because you’re embarrassed or afraid of a negative reaction. Perhaps you’re not in touch with your long-time friend anymore. If you are, the dynamics may be uncomfortable. If he knows about the pregnancy, his response may not have been positive. The way circumstances are falling into place, you may be feeling lonelier, more confused, and more frightened by the day.
Reliable support could be a lifeline through this challenging season. The good news is, that kind of support is available. Do you have someone compassionate and trustworthy in your life who you could confide in? Maybe a mentor, a professional counselor, or a faith leader? Consider starting with one approachable, kind person, and going forward from there. It’s amazing how opening up to the right individual could help you feel seen and find relief. No matter what your support network looks like today, whether or not you already have people like this in your corner, our caring team at Avenue Women’s Center is here to offer encouragement and practical tools.
Finding Answers
When the circumstances surrounding an unexpected pregnancy feel overwhelming, it can be helpful to gather more information. Many aspects of your situation and future may be unclear. But certain questions about your pregnancy come with provable answers. For example, once you’ve verified that you are pregnant, an ultrasound could provide key information like how far along you are (which may help determine your available pregnancy options), how likely it is that the pregnancy will continue on its own, and where the pregnancy is located (a pregnancy outside of the uterus would require prompt medical attention). Avenue Women’s Center is committed to offering clarity in the form of free limited medical ultrasounds, accurate information on available options and resources, and other early pregnancy services.
Check out some of our other blogs on the subject of becoming pregnant by a friend.
“We’re Only Friends and Not Ready to be Parents”
Only Considering Abortion Because My Partner Is Just a Friend
The days ahead may be difficult to navigate. You likely have a lot to figure out regarding the future of this pregnancy, your relationship with your friend, and possibly other components of your situation. Know that there’s hope for a positive, redeeming outcome. Our staff at Avenue is here to provide reliable information and encouragement to help you discover it.
Schedule an appointment at one of our six limited medical clinics in Chicagoland today! If you aren’t close or don’t feel ready to visit in person, we provide remote consultations as well!
The information provided here is general in nature. It is not a substitute for a consultation with a medical professional. Before any medical procedure, it is imperative that you discuss your personal medical history, risks, and concerns with your doctor. If you have questions during or after a procedure, your doctor should be immediately contacted. Avenue Women’s Center is not an emergency center. If you are experiencing severe symptoms, such as bleeding and/or pain, seek immediate medical attention. Contact your physician, go to an emergency room, or call 911.