Are you someone who likes to carefully track her income and expenses? Maybe following a budget gives you financial peace of mind, even if you feel pretty secure in your finances overall. Perhaps this practice seems necessary in order for you to spend your money wisely and stay on track with your goals. Either way, that’s commendable! But what if you’re also facing an unexpected pregnancy? Chances are, you’re feeling like few things in life could have interrupted your budget plans as significantly as this. It’s common for individuals coping with circumstances like yours to consider abortion in part or primarily due to financial worries. If that’s where you find yourself today, read on! You’re definitely not alone in this struggle. And there are steps you can take to gain clarity and confidence in your decision, whether you ultimately choose abortion, adoption, or parenting.
It’s rare for a person to discover an unexpected pregnancy and not feel completely overwhelmed. Your situation may seem especially daunting if you’re sorting through some financial concerns, or if you generally have a hard time re-adjusting your financial plans (which probably describes the majority of us). Avenue Women’s Center is here to help you customize your pregnancy plan to fit your needs. We’re a limited medical clinic that provides free first-step pregnancy services to individuals in Chicagoland and beyond. Our goal is to equip you with reliable information, resources, and support, so you can move forward with courage and conviction.
Reach out to Avenue today! We’re located in Darien, Elmhurst, Glen Ellyn / Lombard, West Chicago, and Wood Dale, Illinois. We offer virtual consultations too!
A Holistic Approach to the Factors Involved
When engaging in a decision-making process, it’s important to consider your values, deeply held beliefs, gut feelings, hopes for the future, and emotions (above and beyond your fear). Some of these key components undoubtedly relate to your financial health, but they probably go deeper and touch on many other things that hold meaning for you. Explore all the factors that will form the basis of your best pregnancy decision. What do you value in addition to financial security? If your budget wasn’t a concern, is there a particular pregnancy outcome that you think you’d feel most drawn to? All these factors together will create a stronger foundation for your pregnancy decision than concern for your financial well-being alone.
Key Considerations for Your Pregnancy Decision
Maybe continuing the pregnancy is an option that holds appeal for you, but this seems out of the question due to your financial circumstances. It’s possible that you feel okay about your situation right now, but believe that a pregnancy and parenting would change all that. Perhaps you’re already struggling to keep your head above water financially. Think about these key considerations as your decision-making process continues, especially if your budget is the main factor that’s motivating you to contemplate ending the pregnancy.
You have practical resources available to you!
Many communities offer financial assistance opportunities, free or low-cost health care, housing help, and much more. Our pregnancy consultants at Avenue are experts on practical resources provided in the Chicagoland area. If you live in Illinois and you choose to continue your pregnancy, you may qualify for services like the Medicaid Presumptive Eligibility (MPE) Program, All Kids, or Moms and Babies. These could play a vital role in meeting your medical needs and your child’s during pregnancy and beyond.
Chances are, you have social supports in your life. If you don’t, you can find them in your community.
Maybe there’s a family member, mentor, or trusted counselor who could offer emotional and practical help as your journey continues. Support groups are available as well. It’s really important to have this kind of network no matter which pregnancy decision you make. But evaluating and building your support system early on could help you make a more confident pregnancy choice.
Budgets and plans can be flexed.
Changing plans can be stressful, especially if you generally have a hard time adapting to the unpredictable. But it’s important to remember that unexpected expenses are very much a part of life. A budget should always have some room for flexibility. Be faithful to your budget without viewing it as a rigid structure. Adjust it where and when you need to, whether you’re facing an unexpected pregnancy or a completely different set of circumstances.
*Check out some of our other blogs on this critical topic!
How to Prepare Financially for an Unexpected Pregnancy
“I’m Worried I Can’t Afford This Pregnancy”
I Would Choose to Parent if I Had Better Finances
Our caring pregnancy consultants and nurses at Avenue are passionate about educating women on all the pregnancy options and resources available to them. We’re here to provide accurate information on the processes involved with different abortion methods, and the processes involved with any other alternatives that you’re open to learning about. Every person is capable of the courage and resiliency she needs to choose her best outcome- whatever it may be. We’re here to support and empower you on your own unique pregnancy journey.
Connect with us today! You’ll be met with warmth, compassion, and professionalism by our expert team.
The information provided here is general in nature. It is not a substitute for a consultation with a medical professional. Before any medical procedure, it is imperative that you discuss your personal medical history, risks, and concerns with your doctor. If you have questions during or after a procedure, your doctor should be immediately contacted. Avenue Women’s Center is not an emergency center. If you are experiencing severe symptoms, such as bleeding and/or pain, seek immediate medical attention. Contact your physician, go to an emergency room, or call 911.