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“My Parents Won’t Support My Pregnancy- They Think I Can’t Afford It”

An unexpected pregnancy can trigger some very complex emotions.  Almost always, stress is one feeling that looms very large.  But positive or semi-positive feelings about the pregnancy can also sometimes develop.  Maybe you’re facing a pregnancy that you never saw coming, and a part of you feels open to staying on this path (or at least, considering the possibility of carrying to term).  You’re probably hoping that your family will support whichever outcome you decide is best.  But what if your parents aren’t willing to support this pregnancy, because they’re concerned about your financial situation?  What if they’re only willing to get behind a choice for abortion, even if that isn’t what you want?

If this sounds like your situation, you may be coping with a wide range of challenging emotions: frustration, disappointment, or fear, to name a few.  Perhaps you’re scared that losing the support of your parents would mean sinking deeper into financial difficulty.  Know that it’s completely possible to identify your best way forward and pursue it, although you may have to clear some hurdles along the way.  Our expert staff at Avenue Women’s Center can equip you with the information, encouragement, and resources you need for this process.  Your own best outcome is within reach- no matter how your parents are responding right now.

Learn more about Avenue!  We’re a no-cost limited medical clinic that specializes in early pregnancy support.  We’ve been serving women in Chicagoland and beyond since 1981!

Points to Consider as You Process Your Pregnancy Decision

Most parents have good intentions and want the best for their kids.  They have a protective impulse that doesn’t necessarily fade as their children grow up.  Sometimes, that instinct can prompt a parent to provide a listening ear and helpful support.  Other times, it can lead to misguided advice-giving, with a motive that’s more about control than empowerment.  It may be hard to say where your parents are coming from if they’re unwilling to support your pregnancy.  Chances are, they’re afraid that this pregnancy or a decision to parent would get in the way of you reaching your future goals (financial and otherwise).  But it’s really important to keep these key points in mind:

This pregnancy decision needs to come from you.

You’ll be most affected by the outcome.  So, it’s essential for you to own your choice for abortion, adoption, or parenting.  You don’t have to reach that decision on your own!  There’s a lot of helpful information you can gather and caring support you can receive to find clarity and insight.  Explore your values, beliefs, motivations, instincts, and desires as well.  Most women have time to carefully consider all this before some of their pregnancy options become unavailable.

Facing obstacles isn’t necessarily a bad thing.

Your parents may be trying to protect you from financial difficulties or other challenges.  But the truth is, facing obstacles and striving to overcome them is a surefire way to grow as a person.  Maybe your pregnancy isn’t an obstacle at all, but rather a fork in the road that you have the option of following.  Life problems and hurdles are just unavoidable.  Remember that each of your pregnancy options will come with its own unique set of potential barriers and benefits.

Taking Steps Toward Empowerment

If you’re interested in possibly continuing this pregnancy, but your finances are a valid concern, there are many steps you can take to equip yourself for whichever pregnancy choice you ultimately conclude is best.  Begin this process by gathering reliable information about your pregnancy and the options available to you.  Avenue Women’s Center provides free limited medical ultrasounds to help women learn how far along they are, where the pregnancy is located, and whether or not it’s viable.  This information could equip you to identify which pregnancy option(s) you’re eligible for, whether or not you need prompt medical care for a condition like an ectopic pregnancy, and if the pregnancy is likely to continue on its own.  (If it’s not, the medical process and expense of an abortion may be unnecessary).  Our expert staff at Avenue can also provide information on resources to assist with finances, housing, health insurance, medical care, education, material items, and other needs.

If your parents won’t support your pregnancy, and this response is causing some tension, you may feel like you’ve been placed in a very challenging position.  These dynamics may be creating friction within relationships that are extremely important to you.  Know that it’s possible to establish a healthy dialogue with your parents, set boundaries, and ask for their support (whether or not they’re on board with the option(s) you’re considering).  Avenue Women’s Center is here to provide ongoing practical and emotional backing, no matter where your path leads or how the people in your life are responding.

Schedule an appointment today for a no-cost, confidential pregnancy consultation!  We’re available to meet you with warmth and compassion.  Avenue is a judgment-free zone!


Check out some of our other blogs for more tips on navigating this unexpected pregnancy alongside your parents:

Talking to Parents about an Unexpected Pregnancy

“Do My Parents Know Best in a Decision About Abortion?”

Considering About Because My Family Won’t Be Supportive

The information provided here is general in nature.  It is not a substitute for a consultation with a medical professional. Before any medical procedure, it is imperative that you discuss your personal medical history, risks, and concerns with your doctor. If you have questions during or after a procedure, your doctor should be immediately contacted. Avenue Women’s Center is not an emergency center.  If you are experiencing severe symptoms, such as bleeding and/or pain, seek immediate medical attention.  Contact your physician, go to an emergency room, or call 911.