“This Is Not Happening!”
“This is not happening” may have been your first thought when you saw the positive pregnancy test result. Or perhaps … Continued
“This is not happening” may have been your first thought when you saw the positive pregnancy test result. Or perhaps … Continued
When you think you might be pregnant or recently had a positive test, all sorts of things start swirling through … Continued
These days it is common for families to live in different parts of the country. You may find out that … Continued
Finding out you are pregnant brings about many decisions that have to be made. Amongst working women, there is a … Continued
“You’re in denial!” Claiming someone is in denial is often perceived negatively. Did you know denial can be temporarily beneficial? … Continued
Often making a big decision involves considering many aspects of a person’s life—values, goals, beliefs, and faith. This is also … Continued
You found out you are pregnant and at first things seemed to be ok. You planned to go through with … Continued
Have you ever been so focused on one problem that you ignore everything else that is going on around you? … Continued
“What do you do when you’re not sure who the baby’s father is?” This is a tough question! If it’s … Continued
“I’ve never missed a period before!” If this has been true for you, and if for the first time ever … Continued